@Bitmochi I love that Bob Ross pop mini. Maybe he's giving you solid pointers on getting such spectacular paint jobs ;)
Back from the dead! In my laziness I had a studio ( dark bunny creatives) paint my aleph army while I focused on my 40k armies. ( wife said I have too much unpainted so I hired help! ) here is a pic of my new aleph army let me know if you want more than a family photo.
@Bitmochi You look beautiful for a ghoul then. And so does your work. Congrats on a job well done to Dark Bunny concerning this Aleph force they painted up for yourself.
Really just Eldar of all kinds drukhari, harlequins, and craftworld. Most of it is painted to quick table top quality but the harlequin stuff is a little better than table top
The Space Elf Traid. I'm more partial to Tau, Necrons and while I like most factions I've collected mostly their bits. Go figure. Your Eldar are amazing by the way. Wish I was already at your painting skill.
I guess most wives would ban you from buying more miniatures, until you paint some more from your backlog. Yet you spend extra cash on your hobby, so you could expand your collections and buy more miniatures. Nice
That Zanshi with hood up is fast becoming a favourite of mine, so can't wait to see how you finish her up! :D I like your Aleph army, a nice blend of colours there, what base toppers did you have them use?
Ubfyrnana they are warsenal base toppers. They are the Taugak ones from warsenal line. Here is the model complete with the exception of me putting one a little melted snow on the base. (the idea is like she just got back in the base after walking thru a snowy outside.) Let me know if you like it. Thanks!
Its been a while I have added a few more figs to my Yu Jing and these are better pics of the old stuff too