The funny thing is that if your thing is playing as the French, an army list that’s mostly out of print and who’s sectorial isn’t built the same way as modern sectorials, getting a late start probably just means that in a year or two you’ll get to be the belle of the ball the way the Russians are today- new sculpts, rules built by people experienced with the N4 rules, etc. I don’t really know how you make French troops as cool and death defying in appearance as the Streloks and Spetnatz, but if the news today is any indicator... smurfs maybe?
Probably because, despite popular belief they're not trying to intentionally incite the masses and don't predict that some tidbit is going to blow up. They just want to share some stuff. Is it too much to ask for people to stop, think and go "hm, its sunday right now, I'll leave a message saying this concerns me, see how it gets responded to and react accordingly". Like you might, I dunno, do so in your professional life when dealing with things that concern you. I don't think they're scripted in the sense that every word is written out. Its likely a bunch of talking points that the staff member will go over and give some thoughts on. It feels very casual and colloquial. A factor I appreciate and have the maturity to take in through that lens.
Make them Smurfs, but the real ones Blue uniforms with white berets everywhere. The one thing that's gonna suck is that your Papa Smurf Lt is gonna be obvious with that red beret of his... ... on the plus side Papa Smurf Lt gets to say "who's your daddy" when he shoots stuff.
Even the fact that they call them "kitchen videos" is in that vein, wanting to keep it informal and (they hope) fun, almost between friends.
Not passion, faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Passion & emotion are influenced by Faith. You can't have a passion or strong emotion for something without belief in it being true/truth. Evidence helps Faith become stronger. If the evidence is true it will cause Faith to thrive. If the evidence is false or proven false that crushes Faith & the passion/emotion that goes with it.
If this thread hadn't have happened and everyone had just happily had gone about their day then exactly the same thing would have happened to the game and we also wouldn't have had such a big, ugly and pointless exchange of insults. The quality of discussion in this forum has gone way downhill and a lot of that is because some people only contribute self-indulgent complaining which doesn't actually bring anything to anyone other than themselves.
Friendly Human silhouette, I absolutely agree that angry overreactions are unhealthy, but over these two days I have also seen people white knighting the other side not in civil way either. Which kinda hints that angry people gonna spread such emotions no matter what side of the argument they chose. Unfortunately. Still, I believe CB should learn a thing or two about communicating stuff. This rumor did not appear out of nowhere, and knowing a couple of people who were at the event personally, I had all grounds to be concerned. It's pretty obvious that if the topic is that big, like cutting or not cutting the whole armies, it's in the company's best interest to communicate it globally and clearly. I have the answer that I hoped for, and very grateful to CB for it, but I cant help noticing this could have been avoided. Still, no big deal IMO. I can get over it until the next miscommunication, which will happen, if CB thinks that the only problem here are the players. Will it kill the game? Surely not. But it will be..mildly annoying.
Do you have any sources to support this ? I mean, from social sciences. I'd be glad to get more informations on this particular subject.
Considering all of the fun we've had over the past few days, might we, perhaps, if we could, not have a religious discussion as well? Just a thought?
It is not a religious discussion just something I've observed over the years of my life. People with faith in something or someone naturally have a varying level of passion/emotion about the subject/subjects. Politics is one example field of where people's faith/belief in a cause/ideal is shown in varying levels. Art like our hobby is another field where our faith in our skills effects our work. Such as painting, converting, sculpting, etc. It is not just religion, science but many fields of thought where faith/belief tempered through evidence refined in the fire of what is proven to be true. It was an overarching statement of how faith effects/shapes our physical existence whether you're religious or not.
@Golem2God I personnaly didn't red faith on your first post as religious faith, but as "believing that a given fact about reality is true/truth". However, given the representations associated with the word, I think it is better to state it explicitly before starting a crusade. The thing is, I aswell noticed a link between "faith" and involvement in my life, first as an intuition, then backed by scientific elements during the pursuit of my psychology degree. First elements that come to my mind are the social psychology notions of self-esteem and self-representation, researches done in the cognitive psychology field of conation (I don't know how it translates in english, comes from latin "conatus" meaning either a drive or an attempt) which basically studies motivation, and all the research done about biases, especially confirmation bias and causality attribution error. However, those notions don't explain everything, including things such as "how can obviously fictionnal narratives be immersive ?" (my name ain't Amanda Ripley, even with a VR headset on my face, and boy that was nonetheless a ride) or "how can non-sexual girlfriend experience services be worth money ?" (not factoring the social proof element, so let's say for a Netflix and Chill scenario), those situations where it is obviously and readily stated it is not a matter of truth. I assume it might be because if it looks like truth/true enough, we irrationnaly treat it as such even tho we rationnaly know it is not, but I actually don't know. Ergo my question.
This does highlight an issue though -- the current style of trickling out information the way they do sometimes works very poorly. It's very likely to result in miscommunication. Just as a point of argument, remember that while there is no evidence that forum backlash caused CB to change course, there's no evidence that CB would have behaved this way without forum backlash. Both of those things would require evidence from the party making the claim -- there's no argument here that doesn't require a burden of proof from those arguing for it. And given historical miscommunications and retirements, I feel like Hanlon's Razor leans towards the former (that backlash sparked a change in course).
Wew, now that's over, let's have a less subjective and Inflammatory discussion, like, what order should the illegal armies come back?