Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by Brother Smoke, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    From the Diplomatic Offices of the Novyy Bangkok O-12 Special Commission​

    Greetings to the esteemed citizens of the sphere and our Tohaa allies,

    On behalf of the Novyy Bangkok O-12 Special Commission, I would like to extend a hand in solidarity to all of those affected by the insidious plots of the Combined Army and their Shasvastii terrorist arm. The protection of this colony's citizens, and by extension that of the entire sphere, remains O-12's number 1 priority, and as such, we see it necessary to make this statement to the international coalition that has formed in response to the recent events.

    We are filled with joy and pride to see members of so many nations rise to meet the threat of the Combined Army head on. Each and every one of you is a shining example of the bravery and zeal that humanity has shown in the past. Our Tohaa friends, though diminished by the Daedalus tragedy, also stand by our side. We are assured that through cooperation we shall one day end the Combined threat once and for all.

    At the same time, we are disheartened by the statements made by some of our member states, supposedly on our behalf, that could put in question O-12's neutrality in matters of inter-state disputes.

    To be clear:
    • O-12 does not, in any way, condone hostilities between member states, unless irrefutable proof exists of willing collaboration with the enemy
    • No such proof has been provided as of yet by any member state, however, if it is provided it will be acted upon
    • O-12 will monitor any hostilities that do break out for adherence to the Concilium Convention
    Our primary mandate is to protect Novyy Bangkok, and by extension the entire sphere. To this end, our esteemed High Commissioner has set out a set of priorities that we will execute to the letter. They are as follows:
    1. Ensure the continued operation of the Xaraks Battery. Due to escalation of hostilities between Haqqislam and Ariadna on the battery field, O-12 will install a peacekeeping detachment at the ammo module. This will ensure the weapons are kept supplied and protected from both Shasvastii saboteurs and possible collateral damage.
    2. Root out and destroy any nests of Shasvastii activity. We will be issuing APBs for known associates of the terrorist smuggler Aida Swanson. We suggest member states do not interfere with law enforcement in this matter.
    We look forward to working with all of you shining examples of humanity to protect our sphere from the Combined Army's aggression. As is understandable when many interests converge in an area, we expect there to be friction, but we should all endeavor to keep disputes contained and always abide by the Concilium Convention.

    Thank you all very much for your attention, and may your efforts on behalf of the Sphere be fruitful.

    Brother Smoke
    O-12 Diplomatic Delegate
    Novyy Bangkok O-12 Special Commission
  2. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    From: Codename Captain927; S.A.S.
    To: O-12 High Command

    We may be blunt in words and surly in nature, however the Caledonian S.A.S. have received suspected evidence to possible infiltration of the Haqqislam Leadership by Shasvaasti forces. This evidence, is listed below, and should demonstrate enough probably cause to allow for joint actions against Haqqislam.

    The response below from Haqqislam Commander @theGricks, is a direct response to myself stating Haqqislam's intentions to work and build a relationship between the Haqqislam Leadership and Shasworth Financial, a suspected front for Shasvaasti infiltrators, despite Ariadnan warnings against such collaborations.

    The evidence against Shasworth Financial as being sympathetic as best and a collaborator at worst with the Combined Army forces is listed below. Dark Star Shipping has been linked to Combined Army forces. Shasworth Financial is the only group (Non Government Organization) that has spoken in favour of such a group.

    The evidence listed above is public record and known information. There is little speculation noted here. We present to the O-12 High Command this evidence as an impetus to investigation of the Haqqislam Delegation and Leadership.

    Caledonia and the entire Ariadnan Expeditionary Forces continue to stand with O-12, but will not tolerate assault of our positions by anyone, friendly or foe. We will defend ourselves and our positions alongside O-12 in the Xaraks Battery and Ammunition Module.
    Thandar and cazboab like this.
  3. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    From: theGricks
    To: O-12 and Ariadnan Expeditionary Corp

    We are happy to see that your intelligence services continue to work in keeping the peace of the human sphere. That is very good. Do know our intelligence services are much more discretionary. We have a few handpicked individuals who are very good at what they do in furthering the Search for Knowledge, in all regards. It would be best if the Ariadnan Intelligence Corp provided their resources to the investigation ongoing on the Novyy Bangkok Asteroid. Their aid would be appreciated in lessening the unwanted hostilities against a simple investigation that you yourselves have done on numerous occasion. Shasvastii Agents do not care if you have cubes or not. We would be happy to provide all intelligence we have for you and your forces on these alien infiltrators.

    We will be providing the Jannissary Corps as the primary peacekeepers in this operations. As they remove their cube in relation to their religious and military training, they are at no risk to sepsitorization in the same way as your own soldiers.
  4. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    On point #1. Are ye blind? It's up above for everyone to see. Black and White, clear as day.

    On point #2. Bring it. Ye got nothing. Show your cards!
  5. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    We are somewhat confused on your response, Captain927. You provided information on our involvement with Shasworth industries, which is a publicly known entity and relationship I would believe. You do indeed have "evidence", what we were responding to was your insinuations to our type of involvement. Which we again, will not disclose, but will warn that the Old Man dislikes certain evidences of his involvement in matters being made public. If you understand the warning, we appreciate your cooperation.

    As for statement two, we are not "bringing" anything, nor are we playing cards. We are providing you a secure peacekeeping force that is outside the purview of sepsitorization as we believed you would prefer.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  6. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    *rolls eyes; takes a drink*

    Its like talking to an Antipode.
  7. bloodw4ke

    bloodw4ke Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Captain, shame on you for using Haqqislam's growing relationship with Shasworth Financial and its Egalitarian Foundation as a pretense for war. For our part, we would be pleased to invite O-12's inspectors to our Novyy Bangkok branch office. We fear they'll find only one thing - exceptional customer service.

    Mr. Mannley was not given authority to provide a written customer testimonial on behalf of Shasworth Financial; this is a violation of our corporate communications policy. We apologize to Liberty Cargo and our other valued logistics providers for any appearance of favoritism.

    Our branch office is grateful to Haqqislam for its important work in securing Pakngein Nbis. Your Jannissaries have been a stabilizing presence, unlike the "peacekeepers" from other nations demanding bribes and protection money. It has made civilian life in Novyy Bangok simpler and safer, and has helped move forward the port improvement projects we all depend on.

    Newly arrived, and yet Ariadnan soldiers already roughing up the locals. Perhaps instead of making whisky-soaked claims you should enforce discipline amongst your own.
    ChoTimberwolf, Ariwch and oldGregg like this.
  8. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Ever seen how Antipodes react around Shasvastii infiltrators?

    Your Jannissaries still follow your chain of command-religiously so in fact, by your own admittance--and as such if the chain of command is compromised, then the Jannissaries will be compromised.

    As for our soldiers being sepsistorised, we keep a very close eye on the extremely slim minority of our troops(both of them...) with cubes. They are regularly subject to testing and screening alongside all cubed attached troops and contractors.

    That's a baseless accusation. Our troops are stone cold sober when they rough up the locals, and besides which most of us have built up massive resistance to alcohol, and if we stopped drinking then the collective hangover would literally kill us.
    Captain927 likes this.
  9. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Please – gentleman

    Exchanging insults on a public O-12 message is no way to solve disputes.

    O-12 Investigations unit will be examining all formally submitted evidence, I can assure you – If anything looks suspicious, doubtful, or dubious, we WILL get to the bottom of it.
  10. theGricks

    theGricks Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I do wish to step in here in defense of the Ariadnans, they are very disciplined on duty, and are notoriously brave individuals. Haqqislam recognizes they battlefield capabilities and regards them very highly.

    This was one of the reasons we had wished to have you cooperate in this investigation as it would have provided a faster end result.
  11. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Ever heard of a subpoena, could have slipped it under the door, or have one of your many "Bobs" deliver it on my desk. Could have been a 12 hour bureaucratic thing in the background....But no, you started shooting up the place while demanding we should act rational. Which I think is funny. Claiming you are observing our behavior for years, you seemed to have missed a few key details about us.
    Captain927 likes this.
  12. Einhorn

    Einhorn Combined Human Aid Delegation

    Mar 21, 2019
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    The Tohaa Trident thanks the O-12 for its continued commitment against the Combined Army and its underhanded schemes.

    We also thank the O-12 for allowing us to continue to stand by Humanity's side as allies, although it saddens us that this is not a unanimous decision and that there are some among Humanity whose fear does not allow them to see the difference between a Tohaa and a Morat. Or even the difference between a fruit and a sentient being. We hope O-12's more active involvement brings much needed wisdom to these points of crisis.

    The Tohaa ultimately respect the order brought by O-12's proclamation and so ask its opinions on blockades as tools to keep the peace and our focus on rooting out the Shasvastii. Some among us suspect an infiltration at the ammo module site, so please do forgive the occasional investigation team there as you install your detachment. Our adorable Kaauri are the best at sniffing out Shasvastii, so these patrols should not take very long.
  13. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Let me make this quite clear. Ariadna are here, working with O-12, manning both the Battery and the Ammo Module. To doubt us, is to doubt O-12. If the Tohaa, who have already been crippled by the Shasvaasti and Combined Army believe that we will submit to further intrusions on our assigned locations, they will find that they will be crippled, again, by Ariadnan forces. Haqqislam has been repelled from the Battery. You will continue to be repelled from the Module. You claim to want to stand by Humanity's side as Allies? Don't pick fights with us.
  14. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    The Tohaa have made a very good joke.

    Like the O-12 would allow an Alien to attack... i mean..."investigate"...another Human faction. Best to stay well away from the Ammo Supply and let this be a thing between us Ariadnans and O-12, who have given us the task to guard it. Ariadna will consider a take over by Tohaa as hostile. Especially after Novy Cimmeria, you have given us no reason to trust you and see this as a continuation of those aggressive actions on Dawn by the Tohaa.
    Captain927 likes this.
  15. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    O-12 has had talks with Tohaa regarding the Ammo Module situation.

    We have been assured it was rogue agents acting on their own accord. Ariadna and Tohaa do not need to worry, peace keeping forces will be deployed shortly to clear out any dissent and resolve confusion – please surrender all illegal fire arms, not that you have any, and proper documentation to make the process run smoother and quicker.

    Thank you.
  16. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Ariadna doesn't worry about Tohaa. Never have really.
  17. Einhorn

    Einhorn Combined Human Aid Delegation

    Mar 21, 2019
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    [In Corathaa: Because worry is a higher-level cognitive process, you un-Exalted canine.]

    High Commissioner @MikeTheScrivener, we understand your mandate and leadership over these less important members of your species, but must they continue to interrupt important discussions with their misguided aggression?
    Ariwch, SpectralOwl and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  18. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Friends, please, let us not taunt eachother
    MikeTheScrivener likes this.
  19. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed representatives of O-12 @MikeTheScrivener @Lady Numiria @Brother Smoke,

    I am addressing you today through this trusted Chaksa representative, Maar-Du, in order to bring an urgent matter to your attention which I believe should be addressed.
    The Tohaa High Command has been in communication with your regarding our activities in near the Ammo Depot of the Xaraks Battery. Some of our agents were acting on intelligence that Shasvastii infiltrators are working to sabotage the Battery's ammo supply. The catastrophic loss of life from the resulting explosion is only a secondary goal, with the true purpose to simply serve as a destruction for their other operatives to escape Novyy Bangkok in the confusion and panic.
    Your ambassador has expressed to us that O-12 forces will be taking control of the Ammo Depot in an agreement with Ariadna who will scale down their presence there until they can turn full operational control over to O-12. As we are also here at the behest of O-12 we will be scaling back our operations in that area. However, we do urge the utmost caution in this exchange of occupation of the Ammo Depot.

    I submit to you evidence of Ariadna High Command harboring within its ranks two of the fugitives wanted for the Buran Initiative, in which they overstepped the O-12 mandate under which they operated during Combined Army's assault on the Wotan Blockade.

    Submitted for the record, we have also uncovered confirmation that one of these fugitives is indeed on Novyy Bangkok and is well aware of his fugitive status. Further, in the second video the subject seemingly makes veiled threats towards an O-12 Inspection agent.

    I would like to say these recordings were was uncovered as the result of skilled, covert surveillance of a suspected fugitive, but instead our agents stated this was all recorded on public security devices in the storage room where the fugitive drunkenly assembled his illegally smuggled weapon.

    With the flagrant disregard for O-12 authority these two fugitives have shown in the past, as well as their reckless attacks on other human nations even as all of Humanity faces the the greatest threat it has ever faced, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that some within the Ariadna High Command know of the Shasvastii threat, and are willingly turning control over to O-12 in the hopes the Shasvastii sabotage will rid them of what the seem as meddlesome oversight of their actions.

    In light of this, it would be best for all of those involved if these two fugitives step down from their position in the Ariadna High Command until a full investigation can be conducted, and they have answered the charges that have been issued against them by the O-12. Further, until this is resolved all diplomatic correspondences by these fugitives should be subject to sanction.

    As for the representatives of the Tohaa Empire, it has come to our attention that Yu Jing operatives have began a harassment campaign against our allies, the Japanese Nation, and their representatives within the Main Strip, in an apparent attempt to re-litigate the boundaries set by O-12 at the conclusion of the Japanese uprising. Their actions impede the lawful execution of contracts by our colleagues within the Spiral Corps in their efforts to uncover Shasvastii networks. The Tohaa Empire, though diminished in strength due to the attacks on, and subsequent collapse of the Daedalus Jump Gate, acting on behalf of our ally, the JSA, will be intervening at the Jiyuan Open Pit Sight in order to insure this fledgling nation, whose struggles against an overwhelming and oppressive force in the name of self-sovereignty and determination speaks to the core of every Tohaa, suffers no further attack or harassment of its people by Yu Jing operatives who have began to operate outside of their contracted mining rights.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Maar-Du
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
  20. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Frankly, we expect better from the tohaa.
    Your 'mistake' here is a Freudian glimpse beneath your thin cover of tolerance, revealing that to you all humans look alike.
    The "fugitives" (no charges or warrants have been filed) in question are Cazboaz and Carabay.

    The scource of the interview with agent Leclerc is dubious, though I don't deny it to have happened, I will not comment on it except to say that I hold no ill will to the Agent, who was just doing his job, no matter how over enthusiastic he was, and I hope that the disciplinary action will not be severe.

    Had the other footage you submitted been real, and not an AI doctored scene from the 2110 remake of a John Travolta movie it would be a minor infraction of customs laws.

    If you would like to check the registration papers you'll see that my personal weapon was checked and approved by O12 when I arrived, and is a custom built heavy automatic from the family armoury in Skone. I believe it was my great grandmother's originally, brought with her on the Ariadna itself. While O12 spec, and even the higher pressure AEC rounds are well within it's tolerances, I would be unwilling to test it with the extremely overpressured tessium rounds. As a Command level officer, I must admit that my sidearm sees very little use outside of the range and in Antella camp years ago, and is more of an unofficial badge of office than a weapon.
    Danger Rose likes this.
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