as @ijw stated you absolutely can daisy chain decoys not just on AD but in general. Cadmus is a unique and strong drop troop as a result
I love the idea of using Cadmus to soak up mines, perimeter weapons etc. Hell the idea of just super accurate dropping a cadmus to double chest mine something difficult to FTF like the kamau sniper for example seems a great use of the troop. Confirmation that at the very least the intention is for AD decoys to trigger perimeter weapons. Drop away, my sneaky alien brothers!
If you're taking a cadmus there's also no reason not to run an E-Drone alongside him. +3 to combat jump is great, it'll give your Ikadrons B2 flamethrowers in ARO, and exile is always gonna be nasty against sectorials. Alternately if you don't want to spash 28 points for it you can make use of that 17 point nox hacker to use controlled jump.
I was thinking about a cad-mess list the other day and how to use the Cadmus technically. For instance, if you drop 2+ Cadmus behind cover like described in my diagram. What would be the best way to place the real Cadmus’ in relation to each other? It’s probably situation dependent, but I was thinking: is it best to have them cover the same target or spread them over a larger area? For instance, in the opponent’s turn, when he/she is going about to clear out the seed-embryos by move+shoot, it’ll be more effective to have two Cadmus ARO with chest mines at the same time.
I'm playing a Nomad player next club night and I wanted to drop a cadmus + decoys around his intruder and intuitive attack with the chest mines. Unfortunately seed-embryos have WIP 0 I can still leave it there to use in ARO if he wants to try and use his Intruder in active turn though, so its not all bad. If he moves the camo marker and I declare a Delay, the decoys are removed, but it'll still force him to reposition his intruder before revealing.
what are those? I mean, what are those made of? looks like, how do you call that, shells of pine nuts?
While very cool! Something to remember is that the size of a Seed-Embryo is 0 (zero). I can’t wait to put some size zero decoys behind cover. Sorry but you need to use an order to come see if it’s a decoy! Oh wait, did i tell you about the chest mines? lol
Lol I forgot they weren’t S1 Oh well, rule of cool and all that. I think it’ll be ok as long as we remind each other to use the base as the silhouette.
You could gut them down in half to make them look like they are buried! I’m trying to think of ways to take advantage of the Size 0. LIke I said, you can try putting them behind cover but really close to an enemy, but they can’t see beyond the cover. They can turn to face but that’s it. If it happens to go into their turn and it’s still there, as a decoy, they will need to investigate adn burn an order. Also, if it’s actually the cadmus, they will need to come withing range of the chest mine just to get line of sight. This can also be used with the Seed Soldiers btw. The Limited Camo is S2 but the Seed is S0. Funny when they try to discover-shoot but after discovering the seed is behind cover and can’t see it!
Limited Camo (or any Camouflaged state) matches the Silhouette of the trooper that is in the state, so a Seed in Camo would be an S0 camo marker. A Prone seed would be an S0 camo marker with a prone token next to it. Mines have the Concealed Trait which gives them an S2 marker, Seeds do not have this Trait.
So you are saying, even though it has limited camo, due to it not being a weapon (though it does have chest mines) or Equipment, it can’t have the concealed trait? Honestly I haven’t done what I mentioned with Seeds. Only mines. Concealed. This weapon or piece of Equipment benefits from some or all the effects of the Special Skill CH: Camouflage (Camouflage Marker, -3 BS, etc.). Refer to the description of the weapon or Equipment for more details. Camouflage Markers concealing a weapon or a piece of Equipment have a Silhouette (S) value of 2.
Put all or most of your camo markers including the Seeds in Prone. It works, and everyone is S0 at that point.