I hope not, since those are 6 copies of the same Nox model and 2 of the same Gwailo... Bostria mentions that the models will be unique and different, so let's hope the ones in the video are stand-ins. Also, Widlfire models (most of them) will be usable in Defiance... let's hope not as the only source (since the Coldfront box has still to release the separate starters for Aleph and TAK...)
Its an HMG. But the big guy will start the game with a heavy shotgun. The Pan O gal will later level up from two pistols to two smgs and so on. I realy hope there are no clone (shas) warriors in the box ;.) that would make the KD unattractive. Glad to see, the core mechanics will be like artisteia, because I had my first round last WE and I like the game (but not the errors CB put in).
If they'd built the damn things with their magazines facing the wrong way like every other PanO gun we wouldn't have this problem...
She has two pistols for her starting equipement, but the Infinity unit will surely have at least one profile with double SMGs. Remember that we will be able to use those models for Infinity as well. Regarding Qiang Gao, having a HSG on a troop possibly linkable is something you might like. This weapon is insanely brutal.
Don't know if Pan-O has any sculpts with an SMG, but Uma has the same type of SMG as does Thorakitai. Well, read what @archon wrote regarding loadout, but also keep in mind we might not get these as characters, they might possibly end up being alternate sculpts for available units in which case Qiang is a Zuyong HMG. On the other hand, they might also try their hands on making a Yu Jing character again considering they've been hit and miss (respectively) the past release
Patsy has one, and Uma has the same as hers, the PanO design (Thorakitai SMGs are made in PanO as well but they are a different model to Uma's)
From the look of it, the miniature is the "top" version of each character. So max level with best gears. So Uma starts with pistols, but she gains SMG as the mini shows. Same with our big guy, starting with a shotgun, but throwing scrap metal on it until it magically becomes a huge HMG with a cask of munitions on the back!
Also there are 2 "spec trees" per character. The YJ one has Leadership and Heavy Weapons, while one of the PanO's one is kinda assassination.
I don't know if there's crafting. I was just making a silly compare to how often, you just brute force scarps and materials in something and it magically becomes something new.