DHDs should go the way of the dodo. Nothing defends your guys from hackers better than KHDs which are cheap and everywhere. KHDs should probably pick up an SWC cost. DHDs just don't work with the current mechanics.
I'd propose DHDs nullify a KHDs ability to bypass firewalls for one... I also rather like the idea of a DHD being the only targetable hacker (given the option) until they're down, with the ability to use their good defensive programs pre-emptively. That way you might actually bring one to protect your other hackers (shocking, I know!). Oh, and fold WHDs and DHDs together. There was no reason to make WHDs, rather than just changing DHDs.
That's the reality of modern warfare though. CC, impetuous and Warbands in general need an overhaul. CC stat is too expensive, but the standard warband kit is too cheap.
The amount of likes speaks for itself already, but in case someone from CB skims through this thread: Please take a closer look here, all of those ideas would improve the game as far as I am concerned. The only thing I’d like to add: I‘d like to see the number of hacking programs reduced by a bit. The hacking helper app is great, but its not a good sign that even frequent players need additional tools to make their decisions in games.
The skirmisher category is the most diluted recently, I think. If the Kanren was made today it would probably be an LI, and if the Strelok was made two years ago it would have been an SK.
Or the large amount of warbands that aren't disposable and impetuous, preferably with smoke, as has become synonymous with warbands for a lot of players. Or the LI that ARE.
1. No more Nested skills! I’d rather they make a whole new skill that incorporates both rules than to have two or three more places to look up the one. 2. Make Fatality L1 permanent on TAGs. Encourage Lt. TAGs by making them 0 SWC. 3. KHD should be .5 SWC but keep them cheaper points. 4. Totally change Close Combat. Change it to make it more exciting and fun. I’m not sure how to do it but it needs to be done. 5. I don’t mind the Crit mechanic however I wouldn’t mind it nerf-ed a little. Instead of an auto hit and no armor save. I’d make it just an auto hit (even if the opponent rolls better) but armor roll is still allowed. Another suggestion (I think may have seen it from someone else), Roll an extra burst shot for every crit. So roll 3 die and 2 are a Crits, roll 2 more for a total of 5. 6. Fix that mess called Fireteams teams and Wildcards stuff! It’s way too complicated trying to figure out what goes with what. Make Core and Wildcard a skill. That’s a good start. 6. Please please please streamline the weapons list. Rifle Rifle, AP Rifle, Breaker Rifle, Shock HMG HMG, AP HMG, Multi- etc. 7. I’d actually like a bring back of deviating grenades from N1&2. It was realistic and didn’t add that much more complication.
The realism was hurt by the distance they had to deviate. In order to make a miss not just as good as a hit, they made the deviation distance large enough that there was no overlap between the original target template and the deviating template. The downside is that this means a grenade can end up deviating wildly further than you could have ever thrown it intentionally. It also means the template doesn't get placed until after resolution, which is bad for order timing - nobody who is under the final template location gets a FtF roll.
Two minor points: http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Weapons_Chart And deviating grenades is fine if there's one or two of them. If you're putting down 10+ Smoke Grenades in a turn, having them deviate is not just a huge time sink but also makes them a lot more effective.
From my limited experience tthrowing actual grenades, they don't deviate much except for when the thrower completely flunks it (which stops happening with some training - but I have heard of an anecdote where a 2-star general managed to toss the pin instead of grenade because he was nervous and out of practice). Practice instead tends to dictate distance. Not sure how to actually make it function in game, though, since a single grenade with a small amount if deviaton can also result in fairly realistic lethality.
I don’t understand what you are trying to say here. It kind of proves my point though. Do we really need AP CC Weapon, EXP CC Weapon? Why not just CC Weapon? I think we can understand that the ammo is different. Even with them, Viral CC Weapon is 17 lines away from AP. For me it would be easier if it was CC Weapon, AP CC Weapon, E/M CC Weapon, Shock CC Weapon, Viral
Apart from being named Viral CCW instead of CCW, Viral, that chart is ordered exactly as you described. So all Rifles are listed together in alphabetical order, all HMGs are listed together in alphabetical order, all CCWs are listed together in alphabetical order etc.
Hi in an effort to make the various N4 related threads manageable and readable we decided to make one generic thread for all the generic N4 discussions please continue your conversations here. Thanks