The 3 order model in a fireteam has about the same target painted on her as does the lonely high CC dude like most of them lol
Hulang is pretty great when it comes to objective room missions, looting and sabotage, and with smoke support can reliably kill 9/10 troops in CC.
You can still get brought out of camo pretty easily it's not going to save him at all. Unlinked shotguns are also pretty bad on the active turn in some of the objective rooms where the interior is a saturation zone. Going after stuff with a burst 1 shotgun that cost you about 50pts is pretty feelsbadman.
The discussion was about the Hulang in Vanilla. I don't think anyone is disagreeing it's a fish out of water in IA.
She's faster, better at shooting, longer range, has bodyguards, and is far less likely to become isolated. Usually makes a huge difference. Both are terrible at that job, though. If Hulang were supposed to be the key to take down key scenery like that they'd have given them a DA or EXP CCW (because you do NOT want to run out if ammo on your dedicated scenery destroyer if you're a tiny bit unlucky with you rolls), but it seems like they made him tooled to be an Oniwaban replacement without having the key element of an Oniwaban which is surprise. Masquerading as a Zhencha (i.e. camo marker) would have this effect without actually going all the way to TO camo. Same with Holo1 if IA had any Gangbuster-like models.
@Borlois well, you can start a bao thread if you want. On the hulang, I'm currently contemplating using a haidao red fury to escort him to its targets. I'll see if I can make a list I like starting with these 2 bad boys...
hastilyPhotoshoppedGuilangHeadOnThanos.jpeg Guilang: "You're not the only one cursed with such great profiles."
Bao are ahead of the curve, mixed visor link before it was fashionable! Only they mix with possibly the most egregious example of a bloaty profile with mismatched stats and gear. Shit PH to save cost with a overcosted mono CCW, but then grenades he can't throw to save his life. RIP Pheasant.
Pheasant don’t have Mono anymore. It’s DA. But you are right. I don’t think I’ve even heard of a pheasant getting into CC but sure paying for it.
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