Hi there; not sure if this is the correct forum, but if anyone's going to be running 4 Bounty Hunters and cackling manically it's going to be Dahshat players. Given there's currently only the two Bounty Hunter models available without scouring eBay, what are you guys using to represent Bounty Hunters on the tabletop? I think the Zhayedan from the most recent Haqqislam starter looks very Bounty Hunter-esque, but I'm not sure what else would look fairly appropriate on the table.
I will convert the Kaizoku SpecOps Paramedic with the SMG from the Cube Jaeger. It's different enough from normal troops to represent a Bounty Hunter.
The new Namurr Miranda Ashcroft, if you are not using her Cube Jaeger Dart CSUs Shikami (Contender) Zoe The full Outrage pack They do not need to be cohesive with the rest... I think it's better if they stand out!
ABHs (and Brawlers) are en excuse to get all the cool minis you want from other just factions. So just pick what you like!
So far using the following: General release Dart for SMG Old Celestial Guard blister for Sniper and Spitfire/Red fury. New Moderators box for Sniper, Spitfire, Combi (and combi/pitcher for Valerya)
I'm using the shotgun/pistol CSU because it's a great model and bounty hunters can look like pretty much anything.
I've always said that ABHs and CSUs are brilliant excuses to use whatever LI or MI you like from factions you don't connect. Also an excuse to get creative with a saw and do some converting if you're so inclined.
I want a look closer to Yu Jing. Some ABH are the 2nd generation Zhanshi. Lunah for sniper, I plan on getting the Odalisque Spitfire to run double duty.
Here's my current stable: From left to right are the Beyond Icestorm ABH, the Securitate Boarding Shotgun with a SMG from the Wu Ming box, the N3 preorder ABH, the Bike ABH, the Odalisque Spitfire, the Anaconda Operator, and Atalanta. I also use Atalanta's Tinbot as my Zuyong Tinbot since they don't have a model yet and I like cute bunnies. Other potential proxy/conversion ideas I've had, in addition to those already mentioned: Armand Le Muet (either version) with a headswap. His jacket is very similar to the N3 Preorder ABH Ryuken-9 SMG Kanren Counter-Insurgency unit, trimming off the chain-colt part of the pistol. Ghazi Muttawi'ah with arm swaps As others have said, it's very much an excuse to use whatever trooper you want as a proxy. Just pick your favorite minis and go nuts.
I'm guessing you could use any LI from Haqqis or Yu Jing and be on-theme with the rest of Dahshat. I'm personally thinking about using either the Zhanshis from the SWC box or the new Celestial Guards.
Even though I'm going to use old Zhanshi, for now, I'd rather have the ABH stand out as different from the rest. They are a much more independent minded group. Much more likely to be from different origins and just by the booty skill, more likely to have different gear.
I plan to use Grenzer and Spektr from Nomad starter set just 'cause I don't need them for QK. Another options are sergeant Acmon (almost LE ABH with two pistols), Knauf (who uses him anyway?), Vanya "Domovoi" Nevskii and Beba Rodriguez (Jethro and maybe Nakadai if you don't need for DBS and JSA).
Well, I recently went for reclassifying as Bounty Hunter most models I don't need / have a way of fielding elsewhere. For example, I got myself the Outrage Box - I needed Uhahu & Emily Handleman for my StarCo. But there are 4 more models in this one. Sure, Nakdai will make for a perfect stand-in of Saito Togan (I never liked any of the official Saito models...) I need for Druze Bayram. I decided to use Beba as Anaconda Operator. Which left me the orifginal Anaconda Operator to be a Bounty Hunter (she even has a Spitfire... though one odesn't look much like one, IMO). Jethro can be another BH (I have enough of the old Druze to fill my needs, especially given I've converted myself a Marksman), either Sniper or Rifle. Domovoi will be an "universal proxy" BH with those two CCWs (unless I decide to sling a Nomad Spitfire - the old one - across his back). And finally, once I lay my hands on the most recent Dire Foes box (I want Arslan for my Bayram), I'll have an excess Knauf model (I already own the LE one form Outrage book) who will make for a perfect BH Sniper - I'll just give him a paintjob that won't be like the one on the real Knauf. I'm also thinking about getting a box of Securitate SWC to be my Corporate Security Unit, who will come with an otherwise useless Grenzer... who could be another BH :P
Yup, that idea of using him as a Irmandinho was around. I simply like the Irmandinho models enough to want one proper :)