Is CB trolling?

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Zewrath, May 11, 2019.

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  1. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    What can I say, when you throw a turd like Krit into the fan shit gets on everyone innocent and guilty alike.
  2. Furiat

    Furiat Mandarin

    Jan 14, 2018
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    We can also wait and see how good he is when CB publishes another ITS data. I bet that the percentage of lists with him will be somwhere between shang ji and Sun Tze v2. That will prove that he is "super useful ok. Just like shang ji ok. Hyper awesome HI for you YJ players ok"
    Alphz likes this.
  3. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    @Triumph First of all since you do try so hard, in your post in this thread you call me and what I say shit, not a model, a profile , or rule and this is what I said and you ignored it from the start, replying that you have the right to call a troop profile shit even thought it was your previous post, I will let that go.

    If you read my reply to Hecaton, you would have seen an instance of me agreeing we did something wrong, or not as good as we could, in writing rules in particular and it is not an age old post its not even half a week old, but you simply did not do so.

    I can dig up my posting history and find instances of me saying CB did some mistake, but it is too much hassle for something I do not need to prove, you on the other hand need to prove you are willing to reach a middle ground and have a decent discussion, so far you are proving you are not willing to do so .

    Negotiation is not just for goods or services agreeing to meet a middle ground in a discussion, argument if you will, is one and your posting history shows somebody who thinks his opinion is the only one that is right and refuses to accept any other opinion, viewpoint or understanding of a situation.

    Why exactly should I spend the time and energy to prove you something that you will find a way to not accept as valid?

    As people commented here you do your best to prove that me distrusting your willingness to accept anything, other than me saying whatever you say is right and everything else is wrong.

    Nothing in your long line of posts shows a willingness to accept any other opinion but yours and you have accused everybody involved in the product from fluff writers and game designers to play testers for daring to present things you personally do not like and have said to anybody who liked them how ignorant they are to do so.

    So, I do not need to prove you anything, likewise you are not required to like anything and your critique is welcomed as long as it stays civil, constructive is much more appreciated though, but if you want a discussion you must prove that you are willing to do one.
    Thandar, oren_dotan, Maksimas and 6 others like this.
  4. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    It can also mean discussion to reach an agreement. Someone can argue in bad faith in a debate. You're interpretation is obviously off from what PS was meaning, and what he said made perfect sense to me.

    But please, go on lecturing us on how right and infallible you are.
  5. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You have been accused by three different people in this thread demonstrating flawed and biased opinion that isn't of any value through things you say on the forums, and by the way, the word used wasn't "shit". The worst it was labled was "stupid" in a quote from a year ago.

    Your opinion has been labeled as untrustworthy because you are unwilling to criticize anything CB does or produces, believing that they make no mistakes. Therefore it doesn't matter how bad a model's profile may be, you'll always say its good.

    I have asked you to demonstrate that the opinion that you won't criticise CB as false. I'm not asking you to dig through your post history. I'm saying name me 5 things off the top of your head that CB have done that you consider mistakes and you disagree with, why you disagree with them would be nice for context. Doesn't have to be long or in depth, go on, rattle off some bullet points that's like 2 minutes tops. You think they don't do a good enough job writing rules? Good, give us 4 more like I asked for and you refused me. I'll start you off with a soft ball, Shikami bait 'n' switch.

    You asked for some middle ground buddy, well I asked you to meet me there first and you refused so I'd either front up or dial back the high horse act a bit.

    I will change my opinion on something provided a person can put together a coherent and reasonable argument that I don't find any flaws with. I will backflip in my own threads on stuff given a reasonable argument to do so. @Sedral argues I'm using the wrong profiles for the Hulang, I agree his argument makes sense, I test it, I come to the conclusion that he's correct. It's not that hard your point just needs to both address my concerns and not immediately get holes poked in it for being wrong.

    The fact that you and Alphz struggle to provide a logical argument that stands up to scrutiny this isn't an indication on anything on my behalf.

    Yes, because they have something to win there, hence an exchange. I don't have anything to win here. By being right, I lose. That's the complete opposite of this whole situation. You are using it incorrectly.
  6. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Winning in a debate can be convincing the other side of your argument, or making your argument look stronger to an audience. One method commonly employed in politics is to make the other side look like they are unwilling to compromise, while you most graciously are.

    In this particular example, you've made accusations of PS and CB and then made the image of offering an olive branch for him to clear himself only once he has provides you with evidence of situations that he agrees with you. What he is implying when he says "bad faith" is that you are setting the criteria up where he either provides evidence that is totally in line with your thinking, or likely will be insufficient and dismissed.

    A compromise in this situation might be to be the first to offer evidence of a less extreme viewpoint.
    Eg. you might have said "look, I can be positive of CB too and here are some examples so you saying I'm always anti CB is unfair. But I feel like you are always pro-CB andI can't think of any exmamples where you criticise them, maybe you can prove me wrong here?"

    Instead of "You CB shill. But if you can prove to me you agree with me I might consider that you are not a CB shill."

    Bad faith in this instance is setting someone up to fail but making it look like a gracious offer to return to a middleground while providing no real evidence that you yourself will return there even if the other person complies. Furthermore, asked in a such a way that it seems apparent you expect the person to not comply, and implying it imrpoves your position further.
  7. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Fun theory. Gutier mentioned that he had to reduce information and profiles in Uprising due to some production issues and he decided Kokram will be on of them as he was not yet even tested then.
  8. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    So... nothing's been changed since.
    Ariwch likes this.
  9. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Or CB overrate how valuable eng is, and how valuable automedkit is.

    He's not a terrible profile as such. Just not very exciting and too expensive. Which is the case with a lot of IAs least liked profiles.

    In wish they had the balls to have changed zuyong to the new order of semi hi and then made the full heavies distinctive in being more robust. And discounts. Always more discounts
    Mahtamori and Ariwch like this.
  10. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Well, I wished to ask of CB testing routines while being on presentation, but then Gutier mentioned, that their testers ask for unit names and backstory first, as they cannot associate themselves with something without name and I've decided that I better avoid this knowledge...
    Mahtamori and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  11. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    So lets get into it. Minelayered E/Mauler could try a dirty trick for concealing our Daoying, which is nice.

    Chain colts, pseudo Chain Rifle to cover our teams.

    2 Heavy pistols - in linked, 4 Shock shots in CQC. Not bad.

    If he was a Wildcard, perhaps, I could cram him onto Zhanshis to see some fun.. But for now I see him running on Zuyong Haris, kinda hefty one though.
    ZlaKhon and Paegis like this.
  12. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    Unfortunately, CB feels the need to be very restrictive with IA's fireteam compositions, which is strange considering how ridiculously open ended most other recent sectorial fireteams get.

    SKOZZOKONZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    I get the that cb was just over cautious with IA to start with and combined with dubious input from testers (ay lmao hulangs are op) we got what we got. You can see it in a bunch of places, weak ass explode x, limit 1 on all wildcards, untouched shang ji and guijia.
  14. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Except that E/Maulers are not deployed as camo markers. It's strictly antipersonnel mines that are deployed as camo markers.

    Otherwise, I agree with your assessment.

    Some nice gear, but too expensive. Waaaaay too expensive.
  15. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    • E/Maulers work exactly like Anti-Personnel Mines, with the following exceptions:
    • E/Maulers use E/M Special Ammunition and have Damage 13.
    • Replace the E/Mauler's Camouflage Marker with an E/Mauler Marker when it is Discovered by an enemy.

    IMO they are Camo markers. I did got a buttsmash my a meager Zero putting down a 'Camo', which was an E/Mauler swept over my Guijia.
    ChoTimberwolf and ZlaKhon like this.
  16. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Although you are right that e/maulers go down as camo markers, the equipment of the troop putting it down is open info, and the skill it declares to do so (E/Mauler) should effectively tell you what is under that camo marker.

    If it was minelayed in deployment by a trooper who was in a marker state you might not know though.
  17. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Thays what I wanted to say. A cheap-shot, indeed, but still can be meaningful.
    ZlaKhon likes this.
  18. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I think explode is fine for a free skill. It's more the fact they decided that the Liu Xing shouldn't get anything else cool because of explode.
  19. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    And that the Liu Xing had to compete for and replace the position of the Tiger, who was always supposed to be a part of IA in the first place. And is better.
    Hecaton likes this.
  20. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Yeah, I can't really understand why it had to replace the tiger...

    Agree to disagree on better. They have different uses. If you're trying to do tiger things with a liu xing its obvious you're going to find the tiger better.
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