After putting in a different value of pts and pressing Enter, the army list box text gets moved up and doesn't show a slider on the side. I cannot rename the list like this, for example.
You can buy 3 x +3 BTS increases, so that's working as designed. Celestial Guard Spec-Ops have been able to reach BTS 12 since inception.
Yeah, I didn't make my post clear. I was responding to @Ben Kenobi to say that there are other profiles that start with BTS 3.
When adding SoF Mercs, their fireteam allowance (but not the notes) is added to the printed fireteam chart, even though they are not part of that sectorial's complete fireteam chart. It is almost perfect, as without the notes, you are limited to making fireteam out of the same unit. Which even for CSU is only AVA 1 for Mercs and KTS don't have the Haris loadout in mercs. But it would be even more perfect if they were outright removed from the chart.
Spec opps problem, if you select an option with holo projector it's not got the Holoprojector option when requesting a courtesy list.
Asura Lieutenant L2 also shows up on the courtesy list but (per the wiki) should be private information.
For spec-ops, max PH value (14) is not applied. A Morat spec-ops with two PH upgrades shows as PH 15.
Nexus Spec-Ops has a Shasvastii logo (old seed-soldiers logo?) instead of the logo base Nexus and Kerr-Nau use.
Don't know if it's a bug or intended, but Bashi Bazouke has the Special Operativ profile and in the wiki it 8s mentioned to be only for Druze
When you have EI Hacking Device in a list with a HD+ or AHD, army incorrectly lists the EI HD as being able to use Claw 2 programs.