I agree Nomads kinda got ripped off for spec ops (how come PanO get Jammer but we don't?) I like that a Moderator doctor with a Zondbot can auto imm2 anything in CC. add NWI and exp CCW or Dcharges to taste.
There is some discrepancy between Army and the book. In the book extra Wound is just 6XP, making NWI for 8 pointless. But in Army an extra Wound is 10XP. There are still other bugs, like Vortex having access to a Plasma Sniper, which he shouldn't.
What has this game become where PanO are discussing amazing spec op ideas they can do on their forum and Nomads are trying to work out how to build something useable with a spec op other than just another specialist... Would love to know the thought process of what CB are imagining each faction will make with a spec op (assuming there is one and it isn't just somebody going these things are PanO-ey skills let's put them in there, these are Nomady so well give them these etc).
which you pay for in army points to field the unit (24 of them). The big benefit of SpecOps is getting skills at no other cost to your army.
Like Bio-immunity, ODD and Engineer. For instance. I don't disagree that you pay for them, but something other than basically standard Line Troop profiles would have been nice. The synergies you can get out of the less vanilla Spec Ops is absurd.
It could've been an interesting opportunity to breathe some life into less commonly used units too. Wildcat or Moira spec ops may result in more use of these profiles as supporting link teams for spec ops which might have been fun.
Keep in mind that she already comes with NWI (which will save you 8XP), slap 2XP bioimmunity on that and you have mini HI for 24 points. Add HMG and a point in BS and a full dakini link and she will be awesome for that cost (Freaking b5 bs16 nwi rambo for 76 points and 0 swc).
My main is Aleph and I've been running a campaign with the Dire Foes Missions for a couple months now, I'm quite aware of Deva's and am excited for what they can bring. Personally I'm of the opinion that SpecOps are best used for filling holes that your army has though and a shooting Deva isn't doing that. There are tons of options that can accomplish much the same effect leaving the SpecOps free to cover the gaps. You aren't using or making the unit in a vacuum.
Absolutely. I'd run a Bio-immune, Mimmetism, Engineer with D-Charges for that reason. The ability to grab an Engineer without paying for Sophie or using up a Proxy is where I'd lean to. What we're saying is that it's boring that the Nomad options are basically an Alg +/- 1 BS and WIP.
That's pretty similar to my campaign model, though I went Doctor instead of Engineer for the self healing route and have dropped some more points for the final round to get the Feuerbach (cover the range bands the combi doesn't) and an extra BS. The base options are pretty normal for more of the armies than not and goes in to the base Army design. Look at Ariadna. volunteers and Metros are identical, Grunts gain a BS and swap Multiterrain for Shock immunity, and the Line Kazak drops the Ariadna ARM and any skills to get +1 WIP. Not exactly exciting bases there. Pan-O is in pretty similar situation. Tohaa and all the NA2s don't even get options to pick from. YJ is in the same boat with the difference being a WIP point and 3 BTS between their skill-less options. That leaves Aleph, CA, and Haqq with better than normal base profiles, but with ones that are almost all twice as much or more than everyone else's. Those outliers aren't penalizing everyone else, but existing in the limitations those armies already face. I'm in total agreement that the upgrade options for Nomads are not very exciting and could have had some more fun choices tossed in. At the same time Nomads doesn't need to cover as many gaps as a other factions due to the unit versatility. So perhaps it was intentional to maintain some sort of balance.
If we don't need to cover gaps, then why not let us have some fun? Koalas? AHD and KHD? Hacking Program Upgrades? Different grenades? Zapper? E/M CCW? Give us some Nomad-ish nonsense. I really like that Metachemistry is on there. What about adding some other fun stuff, like Scavenger or Booty? Oh well... there's always house rules.
I was thinking of a minelayer/cybermine/doctor spec obs to play with a minelayer heavy list. Being able to minelay a cybermine sounds nice