The latest version is the 6.7.4 and, as you say, you can download it from here:: Try again, please.
Well apparently windows x64 version is still 1.7.10 as it is the value in the "version" file. (even though I've just downloaded the fresh). So apparently x64 has problems as I've installed 32 bit one and it works fine. Also: would be probably good to update the "version" file as it doesn't match the version reported inside the application (also maybe adding version info to executable assembly?).
Came up for me. Though the first box for Weapons and Equipment are displaying oversized and with the text in black until you hover over it.
Spiral Corps has the NA2 Spec-Ops options (not sure if this is a bug, but it is kind of weird since their specops is a Tohaa)
NA2 Spec-Ops has a 0xp Vulkan Shotgun, as mentioned above, that should be a 6 xp Molotok. Their 1xp Heavy Pistol is 2 Heavy Pistols in the book's chart, would like to know if that's an error in Army or an error in the book.
Are we sure about this? I was under the impression that the specops is a Taagma rather than a Brawler for mechanical reasons rather than just fluff reasons.
@Zoe keep up the good work! One more thing to note is that the Spec Ops should count against the AVA of the unit they're drawn from now.
I currently cannot load Tohaa lists using the web version of Army. Mobile app works fine. Sample list codes: MAAT76TC BwBgjAPgzCIQogDwMYBsCuBnAlgewHYAEAWgQKaaEByuhA4gIa4C0ASg2aptAOwCkYGADY+AFmABWEQEJgfIRKh8ATMqEBOPrPmKVazdOXzR/VaNFblIPjzCbloqEu0KlqjVrAT5Q66uDOgjpy/tbSYNYK3qo8gZES0cqxfAACDjbq1jBQcobWtvaOznKueh7SUBZgysBGJgmW3jzqYHwwjo0Zre1xOonJ4fH9SikpQA
One more error for NA2 spec ops, It has D-Charges listed twice, second listing should have been Grenades (2).