"Definitely not during 2018. If we want to clean up, streamline, the rules that would mean a very very ambitious project that has to be carried by smart people with a long period of development and that can not be a PDF file happening on a Tuesday. That has to be perfectly balanced, okay. " Less an admission than an explanation of the work needed.
Yeah, OTOH, I also remember some of the feedback being "These responses are wrong" with no additional information, and not one but several of the responses. When something starts with an attack, I don't expect a sensible discussion to follow. Who knows, maybe something would have come of it, it was only up for 2-3 days. It's hard to say what might have happened given some time.
In my personal opinion, removing it was the best route, above and beyond locking the threads, even. It seemed (again, my opinion) that while perhaps the former WarCors that posted/ran the project were still trying to separate the wheat from the tares in the comments (which I believe they were), feeling was hardening among both supporters of the project and detractors, and getting more and more heated. Best to cut it off entirely. Last thing we need is another running battle on the forums.
If you make a statement ("the rules work this way") you've got to be able to take criticism on it. They clearly weren't.
Play on words across languages. Peat, as in fuel, is turba (1) in Spanish. And turba (2) can translate back to rabble.
"These responses are wrong because X and the correct is/could be Y." is constructive. A:"This" B:"No" A:"That" B:"No" is not a exchange of critics but childish and better not reply, it wastes everyone's time (including the people passing by).
There's a difference between criticism and attacks, which I clearly highlighted. If you attack somebody you shouldn't be surprised when they get angry.
They should use peat how others do - for filtering whiskey (after it's been through your kidneys) or just burning it. They'd get more use out of them that way. :D
I posted an exhaustive list critique of what they had done, line by line, but there was just crickets on the topic. They didn't want to take other people's advice, because their goal was to assume a level of rules authority they had no business having, and acknowledging their own capacity for fault to someone who was against the whole enterprise was a failure condition for them.
I'm sorry – but I have to disagree with this sentiment. I'm pretty sure all cultures teach their children "Well he started it" isn't an acceptable excuse. If someone turns into a defensive asshat because someone on the internet told them what they created wasn't good enough, maybe they should go re-evaluate, especially when they want what they've created to be taken seriously or looked at in a half-way serious light.
Quite simply the best post of the year so far. The Koni icon on the harassed bull is perfect; my understanding of the Warcor forum is complete!
Some of the feedback was not incorrect but very unconstructive (and lack of constructiveness is a pretty regular issue in this community amongst some already) and that's a fair assessment to make, however the FAQ was also very wrong and their response to being told it was wrong and mislabelled was... poor
Who said it excused any behavior? What I'm offering is an explanation for why "Your FAQ is wrong" isn't feedback, but an attack. Further that leaving out the attack is a pretty one-sided way to explain things. To use your analogy no parent accepts "He just started hitting me, I don't know why". Further when "explanation" is offered, the response is "What did you do to him". Only in this case I know, so I'm saying "Yeah, he started hitting you, but you insulted him before that started". Perhaps, but wasn't your first response just "This is wrong, and has a lot of wrong stuff" and the detailed list was AFTER several people pointed out it wasn't helpful? Because that's the way I remember the thread. If it wasn't you, it was definitely somebody else making those comments.
Pretty much this... mistakes and rapidly calcifying behavior all around, regardless of what we might want to memoryhole.
I missed the actual launch - I was off the forums for over 24 hours and when I came back everything was metaphorically on fire.
Which, to me, shows that the specific decision to not just lock but delete the threads entirely was the right one.