What do you guys think of this? Marauder torsos plus Caledonia skirts & legs for the Roman soldiers? Perhaps Securitate torsos for the Dactyl could work out well? Any legs from other factions ot units that stand out? Sci-fi or modern (Aridana & Haqq) would be fine in my book.
Does anyone have any suggestions of parts to do this netrod? I've been looking for it since yesterday, but I didn't find any good aquila to use... speacially in the right size, since the netrod being so small...
Either some jewlery (pin, ear-ring) to cast a mold for greenstuff from, or a pal with a 3D-printer... (https://www.etsy.com/listing/553291088/spqr-adler-romischen-wimpel-anstecknadel)
I'd bet you could get that from some historical wargaming figures, i honestly can't fathom this not existing already as a banner for some armies or something
I'm going to try that method first before moving on to other ideas. I too think it would work out well. It's just the cost and progress will be a bit slow. At least Steel Phalanx has 4 man linkteams instead of five and there are only 3 units that you can form a link with.
In this thread here (https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/echo-bravo-and-wild-parrot-conversion.26986/) Death by Monkeys uses Malifaux Mechanical Doves (https://elementgames.co.uk/wargames-and-miniatures/malifaux/mechanical-doves-3-pack) for a Wild Parrot conversion. Well, a dove isn't an eagle, but that might be a good way to convert the netrods!
I think this could work. Even some Ravens from Puppetswar can be a perfect eagle if one is willing to give it a try.
I don't hace dirext idea for conversions but as an hector i would see scipio africanus fit well in the theme of a great tactician. And his history is quite cool. Also if you havent bought the shields yet, i would suggest the oval ones the legio adopted after fighting celtic tribes. Better all around and i find them more iconic than the rectangle ones. Envoyé de mon LG-H815 en utilisant Tapatalk
Ah yes the Roman who finally brought down Hannibal. Quite an important character I'd say. Perhaps you are right about him being the perfect Hector replacement. The shield idea is also somethign I'll keep in mind.
I just got Thermopylae Maximus and the USA Marauder box I ordered today. Still need some Caledonia kilts to start converting but I should now be on my way to building this Roma themed Aleph force. Do you know of any online stores that would have the 45th Highlanders box at a good price (including the shipping cost)? It seems to be the perfect box for my conversion idea since it comes with 4 kilt models.
I've found a replacement design for the Roman Netrods, a Fasces: And this was just released by Puppetwars: What will they come out with next?
Ceremonial Names: (May switch character profiles in future depending on what fits each aspect best) Scipio Africanus #236183 - Hector Mark Antony #8330 - Achilles/Achilles 2.0 Pompey Magnus #10648 - Ajax Vespasian #979 - Acmon Aurelian #214275 - Eudoros Stilicho #359408 - Thrasymedes Commodus #161192 - Patroclus Cicero #10643 - Machaon Odaenathus #220267 - Pheonix Julius Caesar #10045 - Teucer Sulla #13878 - Drakios Majorian #420461 - Diomedes I'm still waiting on Puppetswar to ship out my order but they said it should reach the states by the first week of March. Still buying and stocking up for the eventual conversions to come. I'll be posting pictures of the finished models and showing which models were used in the army's creation.
The idea behind this Alephifed Roman Legion is based on a "What If" scenario either in the current Infinity timeline's future or in an alternate timeline. Current (CB's) Timeline: The "Romies" are a group of Aleph aspects from both Phalanx & OSS branches who grew tired or are stifled by the Greek/Hindu culture of their subsection Aleph has imposed on them. Feeling constrained by having to fit into their units' culture instead of being more of "their own being", some disgruntled aspects find ancient Roman culture as more to their own liking. So in other words this is their way of rebelling against the "norm" of Aleph's tenants. One reason Aleph allows this is because of their small numbers compared to her whole forces and that she sees them as a specialist force for certain martial engagements against the enemy wether they be Combined, Tohaa or of the Human Sphere. This isn't looked upon favorably by the Phalanx who either see the Romans as non-conformists, cultural weirdos or even a threat to the future of their subsection as they can't help but see the model of Rome as a silent jab or attack at them. Because Roma overcame the Grecian states on Earth so many of Phalanx believe that the Romies intend to replace them in the future. Therefore the Phalanx and Testudo don't get along especially since many of the Testudo were once part of the Phalanx vehemently disliking their former comrades. For example, Mark Antony sees Achilles as a stupid idiot who's lack of tactical sense ("strength overcomes everything"), personality and demeanor have driven away not only himself but many of the Phalanx as well. While there is more to it than just that I think you can get a slight idea to imagine other areas that would drive aspects away from their former branches to become Romies. Alternate Timeline: In a galaxy far, far away...The Infinity timeline proceeds as usual until disaster strikes. The Combined forces deal a heavy blow to Humanity's resistance and have not only overtaken Paradiso but pushed inside the Human Sphere. Aleph is forced to make a huge gamble which fails causing the Phalanx to be nearly destroyed and the E.I. gains access into her systems. While the O.S.S., who are still operating due to the majority being stationed on the planets in the Sphere, manage to expel the foreign artificial intelligence from Aleph's systems alot of data needed to be cleansed with the purge. Most of this data had to do with the Steel Phalanx such as the back-ups of the Homeridae and other Phalanx info. It seems that the E.I. went for the data detailing the bulk of Aleph's army first over other aspects of her systems. While this action turned to be a blessing in disguise, seeing as the more important information needed to run the Sphere remained unaffected, this development was still a large blow to her and the Sphere. Not only did the Combined forces almost succeed in overtaking Aleph but now sentiments of her enemies, namely Nomads & Atexs, were gaining major ground. She was being viewed as a liability that would easily cause Humanity's downfall & integration/slavery to the Ur's E.I. In another desperate attempt to silence the growing cries that she should be put down, Aleph took what little of the Phalanx that was left and went about completely rebuilding from the ground up. Looking to Mankind's history for inspiration and an answer she came across what many scholars called "the greatest empire in history". Running out of time and options Aleph cast the dice and initiated Project:-Testudo. An iron shield for Human civilization in this desperate time. The new force wasn't given the same special treatment as the Phalanx before them as the E.I. had already downloaded the blueprints for Aleph's Phalanx Lhosts. The Romans were instead downgraded with lower tech not only for safety breach concerns but to also allow ease of mass producing under limited resources. The units had data on how the Roman Legion fought and campaigned pre-installed into their cubes as per normal Aleph parodical to ensure the army would be just as resourceful as their templates were. Finally after nearly every possible resource that could be spent was used up, the force was sent out on a suicide campaign to drive back the enemy at any or all costs. The result surprised Aleph and went beyond her expectations. With the Romans supporting O-12 & the forces of the 5 major nations they managed to halt the advance of the E.I. Then over the course of years some of the Testudo managed to win small campaigns that weakened the Combine's hold in the Sphere. Over time these campaigns lead to a domino effect that accumulated with the eventual expulsion of the Combined Army from Mankind's former borders even regaining Paradiso and new territory. Seemingly only the Tohaa had managed to pull of this feat of pushing back, regaining & expanding their borders against the E.I. Thus the conflict ended with both Mankind & the Ur ceasing their struggle against each other for now. War would come again in the future but this time each side would be better prepared for the battles & crusades that were still to come. So what do you guys and gals think of my idea?
Not my thing, but sure, sounds like a pretty acceptable variant as these things go. :) Only in-universe quibble I'd find with your explanation is the "OS not liking them" - my take would be that OS couldn't care less what they're doing so long as they're fighting. But I guess you can go with "they don't like non-conformists". Although given the fact Aleph is perfectly fine with troops doing their own thing (Machaon, Ajax, etc), I think it's unfair to Aleph to say it would be looking down on the different troops. But pretty decent back stories otherwise :) Also, take into account Romans liked to think they were descendants of Trojans, so you could just play up that angle. Make it more just evolution of arms and tactics rather than some kind of rivalry. Just Aleph / Phalanx adapting to the needs and strategies. You have some seeds of this in your writeup, I'm just thinking, make it the core.
@Nemo No Name In that case I'll make due changes. I like having any backstory details of mine to be in line with in-game universe canon.
I'll do that. Thank you for pointing this out. I never made the connection between the Trojans and the Romans. A very revealing & interesting tidbit.
Oh, it's just the Romans who liked to think so. Virgil's Aeneid is the story how Aeneas escaped destruction of Troy, travelled around, and eventually became predecessor of Romulus and Remus. Although I think that most historians agree it's basically Roman fantasy story :D
I has a slight chance of being reality but the odds are not in the story's favor. Still, as you pointed out, this would make for an interesting detail of the wedge between Phalanx & Testudo forces. I got some ideas from that little spark.
Well, for your case it doesn't matter. Aleph is all about bringing out legends, not following actual history. :D