Any ideas if we will be getting resculpted Shang Ji for IA? Besides the Shaolin and Bao, they are still old (and ugly imo) sculpts. At the least they don't seem in line with the current HI scale. Seems likely to me with the upcoming IA release but what do others think? Any hints as to this happening? :)
I have no concrete evidence as to whether or not that will or will not happen... buuuuuuuuuut... seeing as they are one of the premier Wildcards in IA, alongside the Hai Daos... I'd at least expect a Shang Ji in the IA starter that should eventually become a thing hopefully maybe perhaps. That, or if the IA starter won't double as the Zuyong SWC box and we'll get our extra Zuyong in a separate box... prolly gonna be a Shang Ji in the box alongside them then ( Similar to the new trend with some of the SWC boxes no longer being mono-unit, like the Keisotsu box having a Kempeitai or the Securitate holding a Grenzer. ). Or just one of those ''Here's a box. Here are two models inside the box. Enjoy.'' kind of kits will surface eventually. I don't expect any new kits until January though at best, in all honesty.
Zuyong already have an HMG and a Multi Rifle sculpt released. I'm going to make a guess that the IA starter will have; 3x Zuyong Combi, 1x Zhencha BSG*, 1x Haidao Sniper*, 1x Shang-Ji Combi+Flamethrower That said, while a Shang-Ji box of Spitfire, Medikit/Combi, Hacker-hand/Combi, and Heavy Rocket Launcher would be most welcome. I don't see myself using the Spitfire or HRL in too many lists - the Paramedic and Hacker would make excellent TinBot models and end up being used quite a bit. * While picked semi-random, starters tend to contain a few models that are less optimal for what the community will end up wanting.
I'd suspect them to throw an ML Zuyong into that box somehow instead of a combi one. Maybe a BSG Zuyong if we're lucky as well. I mean, this is assuming we'll get a starter like Varuna did and instead of ''Here are three combis of a regular troop'' we'll get ''Here's the SWC box for your regular troop as well.''
I think thevaruna one was based more around the fact that kamau are wildcard so are meant to be slotted into other teams. Why take a more expensive goon when you can take a fusilier to stand around providing the bonus.
I'm expecting Liu Xing, Mowang or Yan Huo MHMG, 3x Zuyong combis, and probably the Zhencha BSG in the starter. If we're lucky one of those Zuyong combis will get replaced by a Shang Ji.
My gut feeling is no Zencha in the starter pack, and it'll be a 2 pack blister as One BS+Hacker and one SMG covers all 3 Zencha profiles for SKU purposes. I think it'll feature a Liu Xing of some type, then a 2 pack blister will cover the other profiles.
If we're lucky and CB are on the ball they'll mix a BS into the Zuyongs rather than 3 Combirifles and we won't wind up with the stupidity that is Celestial Guards where their most common filler profile does not have a model and we get a stupid spitfire nobody wants for some reason.
All I know is that the one I really want will be a year away or never come out. Looking at you Zhanying HMG, Kanren with Madtraps,
Shang Ji resculpts would probably get me to spend money on CB, against my own protestations. They're what hooked me in to You Jing in the first place.
The weird thing is that IIRC the Original Kanren along with the dossier were all depicted with Mad Traps... Which for some reason ended up going to the Spec Ops guys... O_o
I don't remember if Madtrap profile was the only one but Kanren was the first troop to show it when they first gave a preview of the stats.
Of course they will. They do it because they know I can't afford it! It's a conspiracy I tell you! No one wants me playing IA! Everyone got together to make sure I can't have nice things!
I would. JSA had an absolute tonne of resculpts with most of the army being dated and in need of it. IA on the other hand very much up to date, with the support pack out we're only looking at Shang Ji needing to be brought up to speed.