Man this feel when all this t2 and even some more k1 just hit the market right before our HI sectorial
With Nomads and Ariadna in my meta (all the damn glue and EM), I go without a doctor before I leave the engineer at home!
Pretty much. The fact that the Engineer can deal with both the Unc and IMM/ ISO is a huge boon. Personally I don't think a core linkable 6-x Mov S2 STR1 HI is anything to sniff at.
It is very sniffable at once people start using terrain zones and playing missions that mandate use of terrain zones. I've already seen a case of a Hollow Men link slow to a 2'' crawl at a tournament once, since the mission played ( It was that missions that had you try to extract 4 civilians from the enemies half of the table, don't remember the mission name ATM. ) had an exclusion zone that doubled as a Difficult Terrain zone... EDIT: This is very much so a local meta dependant thing though. Local tourneys here often feature terrain zones, so it's prolly a lot more relevant to me than it would be to someone else who plays with no terrain zones.
Don't take Active non-Multiterrain Move X-2 troops in Rescue. It is known. I also dislike full table terrain zones. I think 1/3 regular, 2/3 terrain zone is probably good on "heavy terrain zone tables". However, your point kinda misses the mark. The initial argument was that a 1STR HI was undesirable. The position that "in some conditions even 2STR HI are bad" doesn't refute my counterpoint that "actually 1STR HI with similar stats as Hollowmen for ~20pts would be absolutely playable". The other point to note is 6-x can easily be 6-4.
There are a decent number of 6-4 troops, but they're almost all LHost bodies (the ones that aren't are straight up robots or TAGs). 6-2 or 6-4 would really fix the Shikami, as well.
Dakini and Hollowmen are the closest model types. Which is why I think 6-X for the Move. I'd be thinking something like: Move: 6-4 CC: 10 BS: 12 PH: 10 WIP:13 ARM: 3 BTS: 6 STR:1 SIL:2 AVA: 5 G:RP, Total Immunity Combi, [DTW], Pistol, Knife ~19pts* Basically, a refining of Karakuri into a mass production model. Conceptually they'd fill an MI Core Link slot and be link filler for Shang-Ji. Coupled with a HI Engineer of whatever description they'd be extremely robust. * 20pts is Karakuri -FO, -DEP, -Dogged, BS13-12, -1STR. If I instead do Hollowmen BS13-12, ARM4-3, -Superjump, -Religious, +TI then they're closer to 17 or 18pts. But you end up somewhere around Wildcat points for slightly worse BS / CC EM and Hacking vulnerability but significantly increased survivability.
Making it HI is the way to give something Hackable and vulnerable to EM without the other REM advantages / disadvantages. I'm also fairly certain that HI and REM have different costs / base profiles. It also means that it can do the HI classified. BTW I think I'm probably wrong. I just think that the concept would work, would fit and would be solidly decent.
Mmm, possibly, though I do think that an extra wound is also part of the package, and I'm having a bit of a problem conceptualizing why Yu Jing would opt to make a light infantry replacer - essentially an agile REM - without adding some armour to protect their investment given their speciality in heavy infantry. I mean, it sounds like an Aleph creation and it also sounds like an Agile special skill on an actual REM would fit the bill better. A Yu Jing take on it would make more sense if, say, Shang-Ji turned up 2 STR, Ghost: Remote Presence, and 6-4 movement.
ARM3 Total Immunity is "a bit of armour". ;) As an "upgrade" to weak fleshly humans, it seems cool to me.
I want to sell you a 4-4 Move MI. There's no 'stuff that defines' that isn't in the rules. What defines HI is: It can be hacked It is made IMM-2 and ISO by EM It isn't a REM
I don't see that in the rules anywhere. [emoji14] It's much like the defining feature of MI is 4-2 Move.
I don't think that we'll see a more bargain basement HI than the Zuyongs. But that's fine, too. What I do suspect is that REMs will be mixed into teams to get the cost down.
So the South Africa Comic Con video saw Carlos confirm Invincibles were getting; Guija as their sole TAG option Zhanshi as cheap LI NCO as a rule to help make up orders While touching on NCO, he also talked about having multiple mechanics to ensure they were competitive (for orders) when running full Heavy Infantry. I would not be surprised to see them get a Lt L2 option. Would an upgraded Sun Tse profile be in the cards? Or has there been something previously indicating he would *not* be in the sectorial?