Hello All, I've been looking for a long time now for a new miniatures game to get excited about after souring over the narrative direction of a certain other grimdark wargame. For me it is always the models that come first, followed by great fluff to bring those figures to life. Sadly given my recent sentiments I hadn't touched a paint brush in over a year. That said, the JSA starter set is just fantastic and came out right when I was looking and longing for a new gaming hobby to sink my teeth into. The new JSA are just beautiful sculpts with homages to many beloved animes of mine (GITS being number 1). Indeed the quality of most of the current JSA minis are truly some of the best miniatures in the world, in my opinion. Those wonderfully talented people at Corvus Belli have finally put together a faction that speaks to my aesthetic tastes and I have dived whole heartedly into this hobby, feverishly painting the JSA starter set over the last month or so. Thus I'd like to share my first foray into Infinity and the JSA with you, the Infinity Community. Cheers, archangeleong Japanese Secessionist Army Kempeitai Keisotsu Butai 01 Keisotsu Butai 02 Oniwaban Kaizoku Spec-Ops Daiyokai Dengekitai Ryuken Unit 9 Kuroshi Rider 01 Kuroshi Rider 02 Kuroshi Rider 03 Kuge Delegate That's the starter set, but couldn't resist getting one of the sexiest models in the Human Sphere... O-Yoroi Pilot 01 O-Yoroi Pilot 02 O-Yoroi Pilot 03 Beauty and the Beast (Daiyokai Dengekitai & O-Yoroi Pilot) Thats all for now folks! Just waiting for Domaru to be restocked in Australia and I'll be hard at work again... ... love to see some Ninja resculpts... ... Just great to have a hobby to daydream about again. See you around the Sphere! :-)
Glad to have you aboard, and you have some lovely minis there. If you ever want to talk tactics, either contributing your experiences or asking questions, I'd love to hear how that great-looking force is doing on the table for you.
Thank you sir ;-) I’m just trying to digest all the rules at the moment. Hopefully I can get a game or two in the next month with some old buddies. ank
Hi All, Updated post to be a bit of blog to record ongoing painting project. Domaru Butai inbound. These guys are awsome and really sold the JSA faction to me. Domaru Butai Team - Front Domaru Butai Team - Rear Domaru Butai Team + Daiyokai Dengekitai Off to battle this weekend!!!
For those interested here are some Domaru Butai WIP pics. 20+ hours work, but felt like I'd got into the Infinity groove after getting this one done. Base colours and shading Leg highlights on armour panels Back highlight stage 1 Back highlight stage 2 Back highlight stage 3 Completed Hope you like :-)
OK, we really need to get the :nosebleed: emoji from the old forum on this one! And maybe a :bowdown: emoji while we're at it... Freehand unit icons? Mind. Blown. Very, very nice indeed! Not like I can paint better than that, but it seems like the guns are a little too low-contrast compared to the rest of the model. If that's a deliberate choice, cool. Just seems a bit flat compared to your armor. Or maybe metallic gunbarrels? (Yes, I know that's not supposed to be a thing, but it gives a little more contrast to work with)
Thanks Section9 for compliments. It is really motivating to get more stuff done. Guns are deliberaty black as per real guns. However there are 4 different greys used to contrast and highlight over black. I'm having trouble getting good lighting contrast for the photos which may be why the black areas are coming off a little flat (For instance the Kurage Delegate's case looks very nicely blended to the naked eye but looks flat balck in the photo). See if I can improve photography in future. Cheers.
Like all your minis, the Domaru are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for the step by step, exactly what i need to paint mine . Is the Sky Grey in the background your base colour? How are you doing the markings on them? Are they freehand with a brush ? Greetz
Painting pallet I use is the following for white, grey and black parts of the model: Basically I use a tricolour system with blending in between each of the three colours. 1) White sections: Highlight: White Base: Sky Grey Shade: Medium Sea Grey Also: Dark lined areas: London Grey 2) Grey Sections: Highlight: Sky Grey Base: Medium Sea Grey Shade: London Grey Also: Spot Highlights: White 2) Black Sections: Highlight: London Grey Base: Black Grey Shade: Black Also: Spot Highlights: Medium Sea Grey (sometimes also Sky Grey) Hope this Helps :-)
Thanks for encouragement Oni (and others) All markings are done freehand with 5/0 brush. Trick is to break down markings into simple geometric shapes of circles, lines and squares, etc. I do this to outline the location and size of markings, maintaining consistency and then I just fill in gaps. I also do a fair bit of touch ups around the shapes to get them sharp and neat looking. :-)
Thanks a lot that you posted your used colours. You are a great help . I will try it relatively similar to your guide once my tanko are off the painting table. But i think i will skip the part with the free Hands .
TANKO ZENSENBUTAI Working on this guy in the last week. Some don’t like the big hats but I think this dude look kinda badass as the posing reminds me of samurais in Kirosawa movies who lounge around likes slobs and then suddenly spring into action destroying everything in their wake. Funny how attitudes to the aesthetics of hats can be quite culturally specific... Work in progress: 1. After Base colours and shading 2. Grey parts and black fibre bundles finished first 3. Red armour on legs - Stage 1 highlight Note: Base colour and shading already complete. 4. Red armour on legs - blending 5. Red armour on legs - Stage 2 highlight 6. Red armour on legs - Stage 3 highlight 7. Red armour on legs - Stage 4 highlight TANKO ZENSENBUTAI Complete: Maybe a few weeks untill the other guys get done as Im heading off on vacation next week .
Awesome as usual, and the ML has a lot more contrast to it, so I think you've got the lighting figured out.
Thanks Section9 , I really jumped up the top surface highlights for better contrast after your last comments. Thanks for the advice