So, I started a better Last Jedi petition. Have a look, maybe sign it. Let's enjoy ourselves.
Disney won't pay any attention to those whining "true fans" anyway. It's not made for their iteration, but the next one. "Let the past die" indeed.
I don't understand the need to post a nazi inspired meme there. I don't understand the "need" for "memes" at the best of times, though. Who are trey and matt and what have they got to do with SW?
I can't bring that in here and risk that you sign the wrong one! And it is a petition to have The Last Jedi removed from official canon. The nerds are demanding Disney do a do-over.
I hate it too but really I could care less... I have my games and comics and who cares what is “officially” considered canon. Hollywood is slowly dying anyway, I boycott all the superhero films and all the “geek” stuff that I was begging for 10 years ago. I should have known though.. but I was young and naive...
I don't really care about it either because there's that Mortal Engines coming out next year. if any of you are interested you can talk about it here:
I never was much into comics, read a few to know who is who, but that was it, prefered books anyways. Just take the movies for a 2 hour popcorn trip, switching of your brains and just watch, or use em for background noise while painting like me. Ever when something like this comes up i remember this: Dont take anything to serious.
I was never into superhero comics - as a kid OR a growed-up. I got into Judge Dredd and 2000AD as a kid, still prefer stoney-face to the spandex special kids. Closest I got to sharing a stable with supers was a brief dip into DC via their vertigo label, Sandman and so on. That foray ended a few years later, after Sandman petered out of good stories (or I just tired of Gaiman's writing style more likely). Those fanboys are still smarting that the LSG took their vaunted "canon" and binned it, turning it into "Legends". (Although after reading a couple of NJO novels, I'm quite glad they did. That and the precocious skywalker jedi brats ... ) Yes, It was the LSG, NOT Disney. Disney didn't form them, LFL did. Disney don't tell LFL how to run their company any more than they tell Marvel how to do stuff. What Disney know how to do is market stuff.
A lot of people considered that SW8 should be removed from the SW Canon (like Disney did with the Expanded Universe, which in my books points to a "go to hell, Disney" ticket, even if they salvage some characters like Thrawn) because of how... disappointing it is. I personally facepalmed myself when the original idea for a Galactica spinoff with dots of soul-tying (hmmm... Harry Potter as Rei? XD) is the introduction of books about the force for the first time in Star Wars, "because they are ancient!", while KOTOR and The Old Republic are canon, and you already have Holocrons there... :S BTW Disney considers that the next year SW spinoff (the Han Solo movie) will be a bust, in part because of what has been filmed (apparently, the two Directors they kicked out pretended to make a Guardians of the Galaxy improv in SW...) and in part because of SW8.
So, as @chromedog noted, Disney didn't fucking do that. In fact, that shit started with the fucking prequels and Clone Wars before Disney was ever fucking involved. Jesus shitting titfucks, I get tired of stupid fucking nerds bitching about shit that's not remotely fucking true because it makes them feel better about their stupid fucking lives.
I've got friends in LFL - they're sick of their hard work being ignored and the maus being given all the credit for it. :D
Cause its not their dream movie with Luke Skywalker chopping Stormtroopers with a lightsaber. Second part of a trilogy is most time the weakest film. Personly i liked The last Jedi, too. Its darker and more grown up alot like Rouge One
That's true, when a fanbase has been without new material for a long time, when it finally comes it'll never live up to the collective mishmash of fantasy sequels each fan has dreamed up in their heads and longed for, so they inevitably hate it. And to be fair the internet only acts as a magnifying lens for hate. Kind of why I wouldn't want Firefly to be rebooted, it's been so long now that there is no way they could ever hope to fulfil every individual fantasy reboot scenario in a single tv series/movie, so it will inevitably be hated and the fanbase will spoil it for everyone. Me, I'm a star wars fan but freaking loved the Last Jedi, went to see it as a double feature with force awakens (a local cinema did force awakens, then last jedi at midnight), pretty much everyone I've spoken to IRL about it enjoyed the movie too, much just be an internet thing to rag on it.
Funniest thing though. Those "fan" reactions mirror some fans' reactions from 1980 when Empire came out. It's like they don't learn from past mistakes, or are unwilling to "unlearn" or let the past die.
Fun fact: the most awesome, breathtaking and imposing scene on ROGUE one (seriously, drop the french with the "rouge", it was old morte than ten years ago ;) ) is Darth Vader's breath and lightsaber's ignition onboard the rebel ship near the end. Chopping rebels here and there. The biggest sin of Star Wars episodes 1-3 and 4-whatever is the same the new Blade Runner movie had: they are not the original movies. Rogue One didn't get pounded (and there are some issues that deserve that pounding there) because it was a Star Wars without familiar characters. Had Disney gone and made new Star Wars movies during the Old Republic, they would have gotten almost no backlash. To be fair, the research on the old movie magazines of the seventies and eighties started after all the complaints, made by people who weren't even born back then. And episode 5 only got the crown after episode 6 gave it context and conclusion. Right now, it seems like ALL of this trilogy will rest on the third film. And I personally see Rei too much as a Mary Sue to care for her, making Kylo Ren the character that grows, so *shrug*
@xagroth The new SW may be not to everyones liking, but so was the Extended Universe with its Mary Sue fictions for everyone. And on the otheer side, George Lucas made this: And luckily he never made more than the prequels.