It's not Targetless. It doesn't have a target. These are completely different things. :) Multiple Supportware I honestly think is intended. When it was last discussed nobody had any issues with Assisted Fire, Reboot and Fairy Dust being co-ordinated together. This is wrong RAW (Fairy Dust targets all friendly HI, Assisted Fire targets a friendly REM and Reboot targets any model that declares Reset while it's active) but neither Fairy Dust nor Reboot intuitively have targets.
So some do count as targeting multiple things and others don't. Seems arbitrary to me. Maybe that means they did pick out "this program should work coordinated but this shouldn't". Anyways it doesn't really matter, it will probably never affect me.
AGAINST the same single target. Condition only applies when the action requires you to nominate an enemy target.
That isn't enough to change my mind, but is enough that I'd leave it to the TO to decide if it actually seemed important.
Doesn't have to be an enemy, can't coordinate activating different consoles or throwing smoke grenades in different locations.
I'm with Loricus on that one: the rules often assume enemy where that's not intended, necessary or the way it's played. IJWs interpretation 'if it requires nominating a target that target must be the same' is a neat solution though. Overclock, for instance, doesn't require nominating a target whereas Enhanced Reaction does. So co-ordinating those two together with Cybermask and White Noise is fine.