I disagree, Infinity at the competitive level is far superior to say warmachine or GW games. The rules are tight and any gaps in them really are niche, and niche that most of the actually competitive community can generally come to agreement on. its more the casual players that will argue one rule or another will break the game because the competitive ones jsut accept the agreement of teh community and go back ot leveraging the rules such that those minor issues arent an issue
Most competitive metas still consider 'fun' when interpreting rules. Just that consistency is more highly valued. My point was more that Infinity as a ruleset isn't necessarily coherent: things that appear superficially similar are actually quite different. Trying to approach it from a POV where you expect interactions to be coherent across the board is madness inducing. The best we generally get is specific interactions played consistently the same. It's not ideal, but it's fun and competitive. Whereas hoping for an entirely coherent ruleset is a pipe dream at this point. (For example of the difference between coherence and consistency look at Jammers: they're fundamentally different to other BS Attacks - they're not coherent - but the Rules+FAQ+Rulings are clear enough that they're played the same everywhere - that is they're consistent).
Considering that CB has yet to make an official ruling on intent play the claim that gaps in the rules are niche is completely wrong. It comes up literally every order.
I'd agree, except SSL2 is highly prevalent and just about any thread discussing rules involved with them devolves into an unresolved dumpster fire because of how badly it's written.
Theres only 1 player that I've ever seen make a serious stink about that. Ive never even heard of a competitive event not devolving to intent play. in my experience, in actual competitive play, its a non-issue, the good players work with their opponent to get on with the game
SS2 doesnt have an issue. Again because competitive events usually err of IJW said so and hes answered plenty about that rule. Also, a healthy does of "TOs word is law" and "Ask before the day" Take responsibility
There are a series of issues that I see come up repeatedly in competitive play that are still left interpretation by CB. That, compounded with the imprecise writing of many of the rules, means that the rules aree anything but clear. "Gotcha" play has multiple supporters on this board, and CB has avoided teling them explicitly that they're wrong, presumably due to the particulars of their Japanese distribution situation. Warmachine/Hordes, for all its faults, has rules written precisely enough that these disputes come up much more rarely, as well as a much clearer way of communicating official rulings.
yeah, just wanted to address the idea that, Ive yet to see it be an issue within the community and CB not ruling on it does not detract from the rules in my opinion, not practically
Trying to even address your comment would still be a violation of the "gentleman's agreement" so... wtf man.
Arguing that TO's need to make their own house rules to cover gaps in the actual written rules severely undermines your statement. I don't even play Warmachine anymore and largely can't stand Privateer Press, but they do a far better job of writing a concise and structurally sound rules set, and where problems are found mechanically they address the issue far more rapidly and adequately through the Infernals, which is something I wish CB would emulate.
Yes, the new sub forum was a great addition. It'd be alot better though if they were far more active about answering, locking, and moving questions to the solved forum.
To be fair SSL1 that causes the issue. Because SSL1 hackers are fun and not at all messy [emoji14] And yes, I'm still bitter about White Noise. There's no obvious enduring relationship and it plays better without one. But I lost that argument and the answer is at least consistent.
Supposedly there's a big FAQ coming to clear up a lot of outstanding clarifications and errata, and the implication being that after that the Solved sub forum will get a lot more used. We'll see what happens. Which White Noise ruling are you referring to?