I have been curious if there is a size difference the Domaru and the new Tanko sculpts? The reason behind this is I've been thinking about buying both of these units' boxes and starting a JSA force. But I'm unsure if the Tanko will be too big compared to the Domaru. So if any of you JSA player or people who have seen the models together can give tell me how the sculpts stack up next to each other feel free to comment. Pictures are also welcomed and appreciated.
The new Domaru are pretty big by Infinity standards, so I doubt it'll be a problem. Old Domaru would probably look a little small.
Thanks. However, do you know about the Tanko's size next to the newer Domaru? That is what I'm trying to find out.
If no-one has beaten me to it, I will, but I have other plans for this month's hobby budget. Actually, would probably be faster to ask Angel for a size comparison pic on FB... And I just did.
Well, Angel wasn't able to grab a picture, but he says the Tanko are a little bigger than the Domaru. Guess we will have to grab a pic ourselves...
I guess so. At least he was able to give us an idea. Thanks #9 for asking. If you get the Tank and Domaru together before I do then posting a pic here or in a conversion would be grand. If I get them first then I'll try to post a pic myself.
Thank you for the pic. If you come across the newer Domaru feel free to post another comparison pic. How big is the old Domaru to the newer models?
I can't see the pic for some reason. I've tried deleting the old posts and reuploading. Glad you were able to see it He's shorter by a full head.
WOW, they are much bigger than expected (I don't like them when they are too big); somehow the Dorayaki doesn't seen so big now :p
I was surprised by the Tanko's height as well. That Dorayaki is only slightly higher than the Tanko! I still like them alot but those Japanese that are inside must be giants compared to average Nipponese height. And people thought the new Domaru were big.
Welcome to N3 human power suits. All human S2 HIs are that size. Those Tankos are as big as male Domarus, which are the same size and proportions as any YuJing S2 HI, as all of them take the Zuyong frame as basis. Zuyong, WuMing, Hac tao, Dao Fei, Sun tze V1.0, Hsien, Crane, Shikami, Domaru, ... you name it. All of them keep the same proportions , size and height.