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New guy questions

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by Bri77le, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Bri77le

    Bri77le Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    hello friends.

    My coworker just got me into infinity and I love it. I have purchased the operation ice storm and the new expansion for it. I love both sectorial and I love the idea of playing vanilla.

    My question is.... what must buys should I pick up next? I already know I am picking up a hellcat ADHL. Thank you for your time .

  2. Tom McTrouble

    Tom McTrouble Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    In order, I would go:

    1. Interventors
    2. Jaguars
    3. Remote Box or Morans
    4. Zeroes
    5. Zoe and Pi-Well

    Welcome to Infinity! Hope you have fun. Vanilla Nomads is a ton of fun to play.
  3. DukeofEarl

    DukeofEarl Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Keep in mind we will probably see the new Zoe and Pi-Well by June.
    ChoTimberwolf, Bri77le and reaper1714 like this.
  4. Rubberpiggy

    Rubberpiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Units that worked well for me early on (in addition to Tom McTroubles suggestions and those included in the starter) are:

    Intruder HMG
    Lunokhod sputnik (proxied as tsyklon or as itself)
    Support box (older sculpts, but very useful).
  5. reaper1714

    reaper1714 Annoying genocidal machine

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Besides what the others said above (and very wisely) I recommend you try the profiles before buying 'em in some friendly matches.
    ... or you can totally succumb to the hype in a consumerist whirlwind :D
    Bri77le likes this.
  6. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Beyond Icestorm is a "must have" right now. You get the Intruder sniper, the Kriza, and a hellcat. Then, remotes: Tsyklons and Lunokhod are kinda important, and having the S4 and S3 "8 points basic remotes" is a must (as I always say, pick Haqquislam's Kameels as the S4, and Aleph's Rebots as S3 Total Reaction and Missile Launcher, then you can fill the needs for Total Reaction B and "specialist remote" with PanOceanía's Dronbots, so all have a nice "spiderlike" vibe). The Specops tends to be necessary, and you can use him as a legal proxy for any Alguacil or Moderator.
    For your healing/repairing needs, you can buy the Nomad's Support Box, I personally got the Daktari catgirl blister and Yu Jing's Engineer, and I use the Fastpandas as servitors.

    After that, it will depend on your ideas. Corregidor demands the Jaguars box, Geckos box, Corregidor Starter, the two Wildcats blister, at least one Moran, and at least one Bandit blister. Finally, either the Tomcat box (half of it, you don't need them all) or Carlota Kowalski's blister.
    Bakunin demands the two Custodier blister, the Morlocks box, the Taskmaster box, the Moiras box, the Zeros Blister and at least one or two prowlers. Zoe & Pi Well are exceedingly good, but by no means a must have. Bakunin's Starter is not needed, since you won't be using 5 morlocks at once, the 5 Man Moira fireteam tends to be 4 Moiras + 1 Reverend Healer, there is a 4 moderator box, and finally the Riot Grrls... I would try to get the old models, but if you must get the new ones there is little problem if you pick two Spitfire blisters.
    Generic demands the Interventors box, the Morlock box, maybe the Iguana, the Morans, Zeros... with the Beyond Icestorm, ofc. Carlota Kowalski is a good option if you want to have access to Tomcats but not get the box, since it's rare to place 3+ AD troops in a single list.
    ChoTimberwolf, Bri77le and reaper1714 like this.
  7. Recruit-3D

    Recruit-3D Active Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Interventors, Drones(Lunokhold + Zonds) , Jaguars and 2 zeros open a lot of possibilities to your setup

    After previous recommendations you should take a look at
    Bran do Castro and
    Mc Murrogh (Corregidor)

    They are really fun, if you know what you are doing.

    Edit: I don´t know about your hellcat ADHL buy. You already have "a" hellcat from beyond icestrom, which you could use for the ADHL Setup.
    Edit 2: you also could use your hellcat to proxy a Tomcat.
    #7 Recruit-3D, Feb 21, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
    Bri77le likes this.
  8. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Bran Do I would leave it for really later, the Zeroes are the "basic bike" to learn to use Camos. Mc Murrough requires to play Corregidor only, and it's better to learn to use Jaguars before him (or Morlocks, in generic).
    Bri77le likes this.
  9. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Must haves are... depending on your playstyle which you don't now yet.

    So to start some tools which will make your games easier:
    - Zond Remotes (for Total Reaction and Flash Pulse, get two boxes of them),
    - Warcor (cheap gapfiller and order drain for your opponent),
    - 2x Morans (best midfield zone control in the game in my oppionion),
    - Zeros (Bakunin Swiss Knife but in my oppinion not as good as Morans for midfield control, though useful for other things),
    - Intruder HMG (maybe the most fielded unit for Nomads),
    - Support Pack (both Clockmaker and Daktari have their use),
    - Interventor Box (they won't dissappoint you especially with repeater support by Morans etc.),
    - Zoe & Pi-Well (if you play them you will know why Pi-Well can be a monster),
    - Salyut Zonds (for Baggage and cheap orders),
    - and some Jaguars or Morlocks (if you can handle their Impetuous Orders) for smoke.

    The rest - I love everything about Nomads and own all miniatures - you will see if you play against other armies. If you like Fireteams, Heavy Infantry or TAGs etc. then go and buy and play it! It is a game and you should have fun with the things you like to play.
    Bri77le and Rubberpiggy like this.
  10. Bri77le

    Bri77le Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    Thank you to everyone that replied. Just got my ice storm and beyond boxes. Going to play a few games with that generic 300 point list for a few games to see where I lean towards. I want to try and steer towards at least N2 sculpts if possible. I am very handy with green stuff and converting if I have to swap weapons to be wizziwig.

    My feeling is these in order;
    All nomad remotes
    1 more zero
    2 bandits
    Jags or Morlocks

    I love the cyberpunk of Bakunin as well as the raw Corregidor. But I also see the viability in vanilla. I was origninally going to play strictly Corregidor. Thanx again

    DukeofEarl likes this.
  11. DukeofEarl

    DukeofEarl Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Great idea to stick to a few games with the single list. Personal opinion here, but hold off on jumping into a sectoral. It is really easy to get distracted by the fireteam bonuses, especially after your couple times facing them, but when you are trying to get the basics of play down they can add an extra, unnecessary, layer to the mix. Play your first few games then spend the next couple trying to focus on how to use a specific unit or unit type better. That should get you a solid start to then expand from.
  12. herod1204

    herod1204 Knight of Santiago

    Feb 4, 2018
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    What I am enjoying, as a new player, is everytime I discover something that seems super powerful because of a lucky strike. Like my jaguar who was out of panzerfausts gluegunning a crane. Every game i seem to discover some new unit that just does insanely awesome stuff.
  13. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Fireteams can be hard to deal with for a new player but the reduced options in sectorial can be helpful. You're less likely to take redundant stuff, like taking Bandits, Zeroes and Spektrs at once. It sort of guides you.
  14. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'd suggest to leave the Interventors for a little later than the second Zero, and unless you play Corregidor limit yourself to a single Bandit. That way you can get used to the Hacking rules gradually, since the maximum hacking combo for Nomads includes Tsyklons, 8pts Zonds, EVO, Interventors, Moran, and Zeroes KHD. The idea is to use Overclock form the EVO so your remotes with Repeater go to Burst 2 in reactive (you can do this even if you go second!), and have a repeater network in the middle of the table so any enemy you can hack will face 2-4 hacks just by getting there. Add a Tomcat with a positionable repeater (or the ever-lovable Zero with that same repeater and E/mauler -E/M mines, essentially-) and you can really ruin all the fun from armies with troops you can hack, specially HI/TAG specialized ones (like PanO and YJ).
  15. Tom McTrouble

    Tom McTrouble Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    I definitely have the philosophy that the best way to learn hacking in Nomads is to just jump right in from the get go. I think it pays off if you condition yourself from the start to look for opportunities to use hacking to gain an advantage. I could see putting the Interventor off until you get the basic remotes box, but I wouldn't put it off longer than that if you play vanilla.
    DukeofEarl and xagroth like this.
  16. HarlequinOfDeath

    HarlequinOfDeath Tha Taskmastaaa

    Dec 14, 2017
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    @Tom McTrouble This is what I am thinking as well. When I started playing Infinity many people gave me tips how to play and they told me I should have rather start with a Sectorial etc. In the end that didn't help much. You tend to play like the others play or want you to play.

    The better way is to play the introduction games from the Starter and the Beyond box and afterwards try out new things and be openminded to try even crazy stuff like Morlock spam, Remote spam etc.

    Find out what suits your playstyle and don't drop lists just because they didn't work that one match. Try again, maybe tweak one unit but try to stick to it and go for a talk with your opponent after that match what you could have done better.
    #16 HarlequinOfDeath, Feb 22, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
    Tom McTrouble and DukeofEarl like this.
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