WU Ming in Vanilla YJ

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Knauf, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    So, I've heard a lot of good things about Wu Ming in general, but are they really that effective in Vanilla?

    Fire Team Duo is a thing, but I feel like without the Haris or Core bonuses, these guys don't have that much going for them.

    The Nimbus GL seems like a nice defensive tool against high Burst or Fire Teams, but smoke should do the same trick and better, as long as there are no MSV involved.

    The Combi Rifle/E-Mitter, Anti Personnel Mines Duo profile brings some versatility to the table, but I'm not sure what to pair this with. FO might be a good option with a 13 WP flash pulse and a Specialist I can move up the board more efficiently in a Duo Fireteam, but it doesn't sound that great to me.

    Do you field your Wu Ming in Vanilla and which loadouts do you prefer?
  2. WaciQ

    WaciQ Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    After removal of Domaru, Chainrifle Wu Ming seems like a good place to spend 25 points... Similar role, maybe with smaller close combat potential, but still big guy standing in the way...
    xagroth and Knauf like this.
  3. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    I haven't made use of Wu Ming in vanilla yet, but the impending loss of some Japanese units has turned my eyes back to them.

    I likewise see the chain rifle as filling the Domaru role of a cheap HI, maybe not the most effective but two wounds the enemy has to deal with somehow, and chain rifle + submachinegun makes a versatile defensive piece.

    Hopefully someone can share experiences with the HRL... I know it can't replace the Raiden, its only commonality is the weapon, but its a fun model... and what better time than the present to put some more penal units on the table ^_^.
    Knauf likes this.
  4. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Indeed. The sheer ruthlessnes in weaponizing their traitors and prisoners is one of the main factors that got me into YJ. So far Kuang Shi were the only troop I could implement in my vanilla lists, but now the Wu Ming are looking more and more tempting ...
  5. WaciQ

    WaciQ Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    That gave me an idea..

    'Disgraced but loyal' Domaru, without their swords since they discarded them along their ties to feudal idealism of Nippon in favour of better future with united Asia standing at the front of human progress? The proxy rule might be useful after all..
    Shiwen and Knauf like this.
  6. KestrelM1

    KestrelM1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2017
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    I wouldn't worry about Fireteam: Duo in vanilla. It requires jumping through a lot of hoops and usually ends up costing more orders than it saves.

    Even without it, though, Wu Ming can bring a lot of unique tools to vanilla. My favorite profile by far is the MULTI Rifle + Light Grenade Launcher. It gives you a very solid speculative fire tool at zero SWC tax, and in cases you don't want to use the LGL, it's hard to do wrong with an HI MULTI Rifle.
  7. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I like the hrl Wu Ming. There is slightly less head games but on a much better chassis compared to the Raiden. Extra points and swc might be hard to make room for though.

    Haven't looked at the other profiles much as of yet. I've been trying and failing to get the Shang hi to work
  8. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    Combi + E/Mitter + APMines WuMing is a bit of a dark horse, it can be really good.
  9. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    SMG Chain Rifle (the profile with FT duo) is the standout in vanilla, IMO, but it's a really rough investment for a unit that is the strongest within 8 inches if you don't have the efficiency of a link team to push him up.

    The rocket launcher will be the cheapest with the loss of the Raiden, though I don't think that is a reason in and of itself to take the profile.

    The HMG is straight up worse than the Zuyong HMG since he packs an Automedikit for the same cost (and a cube, which is almost always a good thing unless you're getting sepsitorized), the Panzerfaust profile pays an early N3-style Panzerfaust tax, the FO is cool but not worth it versus more specialist-type specialists in vanilla, IMO.
  10. FishKing

    FishKing Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    HMG is mediocre. Zuyong can do it better or cheaper.

    You could pretend that the HRL is a Raiden and beat up links with it, but it's not a Raiden. I wouldn't recommend it, too pricey for the role.

    SMG is a vicious little midfield ARO piece for a good price, and can trade wounds with infiltrators on occasion as well. It makes a terrible Domaru stand-in though, so don't use it as one. Much more defensively oriented, and likes to bully smaller targets rather than going after big ones.

    FO is pretty good. A little more expensive than a Zuyong but better for clearing out infiltrators and with the +6 band and template on the shotty. I think I'll be using this one a bit more with no beautiful Karakuri to send in.

    Multi rifle is alright. Normal GL is the way to go in my experience, nimbus is iffy at the best of times and Wu Ming lacks anything that can really take advantage of it. BS13 is good enough to spec fire with, and no SWC means you're not investing that much into it.

    Haven't tried the rest. Combi is an interesting one, but I'm not sure how it'd do without dragging the FO around, especially in an army with Guilangs for mines.
  11. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm of half a mind to test using the Wu Ming HRL as a Raiden. I've done so with a Zuyong ML for missions where I needed anti-materiel and it worked okay. I don't think the minelayer of a Raiden is all that great (it's almost like that feature is a 2-points ability... oh wait... it is) so it's +50% for an extra wound, Shock immunity and slightly higher BS. I'd be concerned with SWC cost, though.
  12. krossaks

    krossaks Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    In vanilla i should just pick the heavy rocket launcher, it is worth his points and come with a light shotgun. The hmg one plays against terracota hmg 35 or the leutinent of 39 one SWC. I don't see the other porfiles very usefull, as ypu have cheap il with same equipament and other alternatives ( by the same way in my play style terracota without hmg is usless out of limited incerscion). But well if armoury comes back, not having the domaru could be a little problem that can give a chance to chain Wu Ming.
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