Few of use still own this product, but everytime I look at it on my shelve I want to field it and for it to feel like the WW1 soldier in the trench with machine gun sending waves of bullets to the incomers. But we all know it's not what happen on the table. A midfield, or even backfield HMG, even with sapper is not going to stand a change againt 90% of active pieces. I would love him to feel like a soldier in ambush behind some sandbag like the miniature suggest and with the lattest redoing of bakunin and the sin eater I thought "hey maybe it could get neurocinetic !" What do you think CB @HellLois ? I know it's definitly not on the top of your priority for a retired model but that would actully make him quiet original and fun, and in line with his roll, while not being overly powerful.
Yes I thought about it but it's definitly not the same. B3 vs B4 and the range. If it's to start in suppressive fire a moblot or a chasseur can do the same. And why is that good sir ? :-) If it's because of the 0% likelyhood of it to happend that's why I call this thread wishfull thinking. I just happen to play some bolt action and company of heores lattely and like the idea of MG42 in ambush in the bush (not for real off course ... that was probably and horrible experience for anyone who lived though it).
Enemy is at -6 to shoot at it in its foxhole/suppressive state. It can deploy up to the half way line, it's perfectly serviceable as it is tbh
Works as well as anything else short of a TAG pulling that tactic, i.e. it will immediately be killed by a template, but it can be pretty good if your opponent actually has to engage with the Face To Face mechanics for whatever reason.
No I was just laughing at the thought of the Zouave going into suppressive fire turn 1 and solving all its problems in the current meta
I did a lot of use of him with suppressive fire back at the n4 start, but after FT rework to play Merovinge becomes too hard.