I got Red Veil and Beyond Red Veil for Christmas. I was looking at maybe adding the Hassassin Starter but am not sure how often I’d want more than one of either the Fiday or Ragik. Would I be better off just picking up the solo Lasiq Sniper and not worrying about the rest of the models in the Starter? I figure I’ll probably mess around with Vanilla for awhile before trying a Sectoral. It looks like there’s enough to learn without needing to deal with Fireteams.
I would get the new starter, rather than the old one. It doesn't duplicate any minis from RV or Beyond, and the minis it has are useful both as shown, and as looks-about-right proxies.
You're talking about the old Starter that has 2ed (and some 1ed) models in it. It just about got discontinued, being replaced by a new Starter (3x Daylami, Ayyar, Muyib, Farzan). And while I have used 2 Fidays once or twice, you can readily proxy one with Hussein al-Djabel (unless he's there as his own Diabolic self ;)
I personally like using 2 ragiks sometimes. That is because they see the first one coming but they are rarely prepared for the 2nd one. As for the fidays I more often find my self taking a fiday + Al Djabelb if I am going for 2 fidays. And specifically with these two models, you can get them in blisters anyway so no reason to get the whole box especially with the new gorgeous ones :D
Ah, I didn’t notice that there were two of them. The new one has an Ayyar, Farzan, Muyib, and a trio of Daylami, right?
Right, it's a pretty good box for either Hassasin or Vanilla, with the Muyib as the only questionable use model in Vanilla.
Wow, really? That guys goes in just about every list I make. Reliable smoke for a Djan on top of standard GL is awesome.
Muttas are PH 12, cheaper and you can do that "for free" (impetuous order: move + smoke dodge at 15... or move + move, then irregular move + smoke at 15), so that's why the muyibs tend to not be as valued. Sure thing, you have Muttas in Hassassin aswell, but the fireteam options make the GL launcher profile of the muyib more interesting.
I really recommend getting the old starter, along with the new starter. I play with a Fiday + Al all the time, and the second Fiday can easily proxy as him. Also, when you want to junk up the board for missions like Power Pack, having as many infiltrating Daylami that you can get your hands on is ideal (and 3 Fidays). 3-4 infiltrating Panzerfaust Daylami are no joke. While you may not use both Ragiks at the same time, the one in the old starter works well as a hacker. As I never use the boarding shotgun Ragik, I actually took the wings off the Red Veil Ragik and turned her into another Farzan. The only thing you may not use would be the Muyib, and that's only if you pick up the new box of Muyibs, as he'll be out of scale with them (if you care about that).
The only counter argument I have there is how much more I like the female Fiday against the static one in the old starter XD.
Muyibs are BS 12, so can also land smoke on 15s. And while a good player can set up Imp smoke cover a good player can also counter in. When the unstoppable force encounters the immovable object back up smoke is great. Also being able to put smoke where you want it late game is gold. Beyond the smoke argument a GL is also invaluable. This piece alone has been pivotal in many a game for me. So I am surprised this guy gets overlooked for sure.
1 SWC and 3 points more expensive than 4 Muttas are one of the reasons for sure :p (and you can use the Muttas irregular order to move them back). We'll see if they remove the smoke from the Muttas in generic, the Kum are too fast
I’m usually putting both in lists tbh. The SWC isn’t often an issue with Haqq either. Mutts are great, but again using their Irregular to move back isn’t always an option, especially vs a good player. On top of the fact they are much more problematic for opponents with Jammers and E Marats that require closing the range. But again, the smoke added to the GL on a BS 12 dogged platform imo is great, too great to pass up most of the time.
I can say I have definitely used 2 Fidays+Al Djabel multiple times. Its a lot of fun, and its super rude. Nothing is safe in the enemy army.