So the army update just dropped, here's some CA highlights from my point of view, any discussion of how we make use of the freshly added ultra-capitalist cockroaches in vanilla and onyx is welcome, I''m just here to share the excitement of being able to repair the avatar again. My prediction wasn't correct and the under-slung tube on the new anathematics's arm isn't a pitcher, but just a sidegrade from a nanopulser to a pulzar, which is technically better, but it's a shame that we still don't have an Lt. options for a sepsitor and a spitfire. Onyx finally gets a Chain of Command in EXO for a mere 19pts 0.5SWC, which is great, and all the other bugs (aside from cascuda) get to form a haris, I'm no expert on sectorials but a cheap-ish access to MSV2 Mimetism-3 spitfire is a nice addition, too bad the Void Operators didn't get something like a parachutist or a combat jump option, might have been interesting. Did I mention that repairing the avatar is now less of a casino roulette RNG festival? Well it is now because we're one step closer to the greatness of a 17 point Kurgat engineer from ye olden days, only now it's 19 points Base Operators with 6-2 super-jump, which admittedly is not as good, but without the Remote Presence it's the most viable way to repair the avatar, and I'll be trying to cram two of those bugs and a third engineer (probably Caliban) in every avatar list I write from now on, with B3 Gizmokit coordinated order repairing lost STR on avatar feels a lot less like a last-ditch gamble. Oh and the Vector Operator is cool too, it does not solve the long-range AP shortage of vanilla CA, but now we have a good gun for under 30 points which isn't a Q-drone HMG.
EXRAH RULEZ. . .!! Down With The Concordat, Long Live The Commissariat. . . . .!!! Jokes aside, always loved the Exrahs whatever their "Sociopolitical Stance" was, and happy to see Kaskudas back on the fray. . . . .