After just a single game with my cousin, I must say that (despite me not liking the custom dice idea) this symbol system just works. I have my doubts and I see places where rules should/will be polished, but overall the combat system just works. You prepare your pool of dice, you decide if you add extra (if possible), your opponent does the same. You roll, count symbols, cancel successes with shields and voila. BUT. There are those additional symbols and because of that there are decisions and choices to be made. If I consume something on one effect I will not trigger the other. OH! But my character is an elite! I can count my hollow results as normal! Let me rethink how I'm going to distribute those... And then there is the limit of three dice in one color - you kinda wish there wasn't one (you know what I mean If you tried the Pioneers' Mortar skill), but you instantly nod your head to yourself, how easy this simple limit eliminates possible exploits. Did I mentioned this really just works? Because it does.
Yeah, same feelings here. I dislike special dice, and printed cards are difficult to updade (or just fix) without paying money for them, but I can see how they fit together and make the system work.
There's gonna be an app (so I've heard somewhere). I believe this will be a platform for the most up to date unit profiles.
Yes, we'll have an army builder with the updated profiles, just like Infinity. But this game requires you to use the physical cards to place tokens there, so we might get to a point where some cards are valid while others have been updated, and we'll have to remember while playing which is which. Of course I have already sleeved the cards, so I can manually "update" the cards, but that's still a pain.