Hello everybody! After something of a gaming hiatus, I've been getting into Warcrow, and I was planning to write some blog posts about this new and exciting game, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find the time do so! I've chosen to settle with the (timewise) more forgiving video format, so if You're interest head over to my YT channel and check my stuff out! Introduction to the Project: Introduction to the Logbook of a Simple Lindwurm Traveller Getting Started with Warcrow: Welcome to Lindwurm - the Dice of Warcrow Welcome to Lindwurm - the Terrain Welcome to Lindwurm - Melee Combat in Warcrow Unit Analyses Forces of the Northern Tribes - Orc Hunters Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Orc) Wisemane Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Orc) Evoker Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Varank) Hersir Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Orc) Wrathmane Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Orc) Contender Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Varank) Skin Changers Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Wrathmane) Alborc Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Hersir) Njord the Merciless Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Orc) Darkmaster Forces of the Northern Tribes - (Orc Adventurer) Ormuk Forces of the Northern Tribes - Orc Units and Unit Attachments Opposing Forces Analyses Hunter's Quarry - Black Legion Bucklermen Have a great day fellow Travellers!
I've updated the list above to include the videos I'm currently working on, I'll shoot a message here every time I release so that people can follow along. Are there any ideas/topics people would be eager for me to try and cover? I'm planning to focus on unit analyses/beginner content for the moment, but I'm open for suggestions!
I'd be interested in a video on basic approaches to countering both armies. Hegemony got a lot of grief for being too strong out of th gate, but I don't think that's really true. Mind you, it may be too early for that kind of video, as it will age poorly I should think, once ranged and cavalry releases hit!
Thanks for the comment! I like the idea, and it's something I'm willing try at some point in the nearish future (after acquiring some more practical experience)! I've effectively already resigned myself to making content that is going to become out of date as the game matures from here on out, but I guess that's the price I have to pay to get this stuff out now! If I'm able to, I'm planning to revisit my early analyses and theories and bring them up to date at a later time when we have a more complete picture of the game available (not mention more hard won experience from the field of battle)! Have a great day!
This week's episode is about the profile I was most excited to see in the Beyond Winds from the North box - the Hersir!
As promised, this week's video analyzes the first Northern Tribes non-named High Command Character, the Wrathmane!
This week I chose to give analysing an opposing unit a go - video on the threat of and the solutions to the Black Legion Bucklermen is up! This one's for You @Time Bandit !
EDIT. Sorry everyone - no video today! I was racing a flu to get this week's video done, and while I thought I had gotten there (I even momentarily posted the Skin Changer piece), upon watching the video myself I realised to my horror that there was atleast one major mistake (and one or two important omissions) in the cut I'd just released, so back to the editing board it is... Unfortunately my voice doesn't allow me to reshoot the parts that require that at the moment, so I'll have to get back to this at a later date! I have a full weekly release schedual planned until the new year, so I'll still aim to release at the rate of video/week, even though this week's video is going to be going up late... Have a great week everyone!
Hey all! I've corrected a mistake on the last week's video and had to reupload the video as a result! I've also added an analysis on Njord the Merciless!
The Forum was down for quite some time, but I've now updated the video list to include the analyses for the Darkmaster, Ormuk and Orc Unit/Character Attachments, as well as a beginner video on Melee Combat!