Hi everyone, I have yet to read the rules, but when I see that the PDF is 560 Mo for 54 pages, and that the pages start at page 298 until 352, I am not reassured... Is it WIP rules? Aside of that, and to finish on a more positive note, the minis look great, the game looks cool... But this first impression of the PDF makes it feels like it was not finished... :-(
It's the printer master they cut for pre-release. I bet a finalized pdf, compressed and corrected will arrive shortly for pre-order period/release.
That would be great, but from everything we have seen so far, it is quite clear that it will be one book with fluff and lore. They specifically say "more than 350 pages of detailed lore and official rules".
Yay, it's not a split book like it used to be, it will be a single book, we got to see photos of the real book from CB team at times.