With the amount of Libertos that are being fielded, there oughta be enough fish to make their own factions. Give me my Omn faction. Just give me 2-3 more profiles with AVA 3-4 and call it a day. We just need 9 more models to have 15 different Fishboy sculpts. Thank you CB.
Heavens no, and how dare you insinuate those oppressors are a true representation of Auxbot culture and doctrine. We're used for clearing mines!
I just saw this thread. I'm a big fan of having a more aliens. I'd really like to see some more tohaa with some the other NA2 forces. This was one of my favorite comics, Alien Legion, back when I was a kid and I think got me interested in war gamming more than anything else.
Now that we have the Exrah Insectorial all but confirmed, we need to revive the call for an Omn Independence Party. CB, give us Varuna vs OIP box next year!
Is confirmation of an actual Exrah sectoral? I don't see anything saying they are doing another sectoral. Just that they are a big part of the naval combat game.
Native insurgency faction! Throw out all the human imperialists. An Exrah logistics branch is confirmed to be returned. Whether this comes as a sectorial or as faction-wide mercenaries, or something else I don't know (in part because I watched the video on mute). (It'd be so dope if they made faction-specific mercs. E.g. FRRM gets fully cancelled as a sectorial, but all Ariadnas may pick from the unique Merovignian units without playing with mercenary extra.)
As much as I want more aliens, I hope CA doesn't get a whole new sectoral this year. Mercenaries would be awesome or just adding some to Onyx and Vanilla would be ok.
Don't get your hopes up on that. Nothing is confirmed. There's lots of hype and speculation but so far all you've got is one slide on a PowerPoint which also talked about other things.
That, but I will be very surprising if they don't also come with exrah troops in the main infinity game. Whether it will be full sectorial or just troops is another topic.