'short stories' narrative battle report for Operation Edgelord - ISS vs USAriadna.

Discussion in 'FanFic' started by KGG, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. KGG

    KGG Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    I've not written anything like this before, and it took more time than I'm willing to admit, both for the writing and the AI image prompts, but it was fun to flesh out a few characters and highlights from the game.
    There's another game I'm considering doing the same sort of write up for if this one is well-received, possibly with a few recurring characters.

    Mission: Supply Raid

    Armies: ISS vs USAriadna

    Final Score: 3 – 9

    Army points: 132 – 60

    Secret Objectives 0 - 1

    USAriadna victory

    The table:


    Setting: The early hours of the morning. The remains of the former Ariadnan ‘Macmillan Heavy Goods Processing and Distribution Yard’, Planetoid LuY 911.



    As a severe snow-storm rolls in, a Yu Jing detachment conducts final preparations for the extraction of minerals and weapons from a recently uncovered Ikari base of operations hidden amongst the frost-laden silos and heavy machinery of the former Ariadnan Macmillan Heavy Goods Processing and Distribution Yard.

    Having found the site all but abandoned, with all dataslates and records destroyed or erased, it was clear that the Imperial Service agents sent here by the StateEmpire would find no useful information on possible Ikari benefactors. Although the mercenaries must have left in a hurry, with half eaten rations still littering the cantina, the data-purge had clearly been the priority – it seemed no attempt had been made to clear out the many pallets of tarp-covered military crates and supplies scattered across the site. Perhaps it wasn’t a complete waste of time after all. These supplies would serve the Emperor’s armies well in their campaign.

    Most of the Yu Jing military forces and all of the StateEmpire’s agents sent to the site expecting heavy resistance from the Ikari company had been redeployed after finding it empty and devoid of intel. All that remained was a small retinue of ISS and borrowed Aleph forces along with a few hired stragglers, led by a lowly celestial guard. Just enough to gather up any useful resources and prepare them for orbital extraction.

    By the fourth day on site, reports had started to come in of increased criminal gang activity in the area, clearly word had spread that the site was ripe for the taking. The Yu Jing occupiers wouldn’t be able to defend the site from a full scale attack, but they wouldn’t have to, for in the words of Sun Tzu “they would appear strong where they are weak”. Using converted holoprojectors programmed with basic ‘movement and gestures’ subroutines, they appeared to any passing dissidents and miscreants, to be a heavy contingent of the StateEmpire’s finest on continuous watch duty.

    == Kanren officer Ken Wu ==

    “The holoechos are up and running, sir. We have them patrolling key entry points along the outer perimeter. Our Husong and Dakini assets are on overwatch for any signs of trouble.”

    == Acting Officer Celestial Guard Xiantu Hi ==

    “Good work, the faster we’re off this rock the better. Let’s get those crates secured and get out of here”


    Infiltration specialists of the 7th Foxtrot Rangers had been staking out the Ariadnan Macmillan Heavy Goods Processing and Distribution Yard ever since the Yu Jing forces had arrived. According to Ariadnan command’s company house records, the site had been abandoned by the bankrupted Macmillan Industries Inc. almost a year ago. Whatever Yu Jing’s interests were, with the heavy air traffic into and out of this otherwise frigid, desolate, industrial wasteland, they’d clearly expected to find something significant here, and that was enough to convince the US military to investigate.

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “Observation report 7: Day 3, Local time 02:30. Yu Jing forces have been steadily stripping the site of resources and materials, collecting them in orbital shipping containers spread throughout the facility. Mostly looks like machinery, light ordinance, Ammonia, but we have marked 9 containers we believe contain tesium ores. US Rangers will continue to recon the area until reinforcements arrive.”

    “Mouse, anything to report?”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Field-mouse’ Field ==

    “Yeah, There’s something seriously fucky going on here, man”

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “Care to elaborate?”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Field-mouse’ Field ==

    “This is some proper voodoo Deja-Vu bullshit. I’ve been checking the logs. 22:03 ‘moustache guy’ walks along this platform, stops, smokes a cigarette for 4 minutes, turns, waves at no one, and walks into the guardpost. He did the exact same yesterday, and the same the day before that. I’ve never seen him leave that room.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “It’s Yu Jing, who knows what crazy conditioning their guys go through. The soldier probably has that routine indoctrinated into his brain.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Field-mouse’ Field ==

    “Nah man. It’s more than that. Hang on, let me check the book… yeah here we go, in twelve minutes ‘douchebag haircut’ is gonna walk down this ramp, stop, cough three times, look at his watch, and then scratch his head. You wait and see.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “You sure you’re getting enough fluids up there, Mouse?”

    ** Twelve minutes later **

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “.. aaannd there’s the head scratch, you saw that right? Just like I said, something fucky. I’m going in for a closer look.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “No Mouse, stand down! Command said recon only until the mavericks and maurader forces get here. Do not leave your post.”

    **20 minutes later **

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    ”Holy shit Johnny, it went right through him! I threw a rock at douchebag’s head and it went straight through, the guy didn’t even blink, just fucking stood there staring out into space. This is some Grade-A bullshit.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “Hmm alright. I got a theory. Make your way down to that sub-station. I’ll head for that power-node.”

    “All US Ranger forces in the vicinity, converge on Macmillan and wait for my signal.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “Lieutenant Rico here. We have a fireteam enroute to your location. ETA 03:00. Keep that courtyard clear, were arriving by heli-drop. Maverick squad to follow. Oh, we got a surprise for you too, something cooked up by those space hippies on Bakunin. A field-test, just point and click.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “Good to hear your voice Lieutenant. Glad to have you on board. Mouse, grab that device off the good Lieutenant as soon as they touch down.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    ”You got it, boss.”


    ** some time later **
    As Johnny flicked the last breaker switch on the power node’s control panel his suspicions were confirmed. As the station’s power tripped and reset, for the briefest of moments, those perfect, regimented sentinels of the StateEmpire’s might were revealed for what they were. Hollows, fakes, illusions, meant to deter any would-be scavengers or thieves. But the US Ranger force were no brigands, they were a well-trained army, and now they had the advantage.


    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “Well, that just about seals it then. Permission to engage?”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “Permission granted, mission is a go.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    ”Let’s get some!”


    Game highlights:

    1. Foxtrots infiltrate up to the central boxes, while the maurader and maverick fireteams secure the ones on the USAriadna side, activating 6 beacons at the end of USA turn 1. Three marauder HRL units provide overwatch to keep ISS in their deployment zone. All of the foxtrots are revealed, one is lost to a mine, another to combined dakini and TR bot fire, but the damage is already done. 6 activated crates will be tough for ISS to recover in just one turn.

    ISS use a series of coordinated orders and cautious moves to break out of their deployment zone and secure the remaining three crates as well as taking two from the US forces.

    At the start of US turn 2, their three remaining activated crates are removed from the table putting them in a significant lead.



    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “Alpha crate tagged and ready for extraction, heading to Delta crate now.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “Good work, Jonson”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    ”Just done Charlie and Bearclaw.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==


    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “Apologies Lieutenant, Mouse was dropped on his head as a child, and probably a few times more after that… Bravo, he means Bravo.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    *to himself*

    “Jesus Christ… where do they find these guys…”

    *on radio*

    “Uh, alright, good work. We have Foxtrot activated, and the Maverick squad are loading up Echo for extraction now. Looks like this ones gonna be easy.”

    *A few minutes later*

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    “Gah… Delta activated… but I’m hit, I’m afraid I’ll be watching the rest of this one from the side-lines.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “Good work, hang in there Jonson, hold position and we’ll get you out of there as soon as this is wrapped up. We’ve got three crates loaded on the quads already. You’ll be back home in no time.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger John ‘Johnny’ Jonson ==

    *heavy laboured breathing*

    “Cool, cool… I guess I’ll just… take a nap… over by these boxes then…”


    == Maverick Operator Jolene Baker ==

    “First batch of packages secured, rolling out!”



    2. USA achieve their secret objective ‘Transmit Union Leaflets’ against a sophotect, with a foxtrot FO winning the contested FO roll, before taking her off the board with rifle fire.

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Alright, let’s see what this doodad can do-dad. Pew pew pew, right in the eyes!”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “Cut the chatter Field, you’re supposed to be a professional.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “You got it, Boss.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “… and don’t call me Boss”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “You got it…. Cap.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    *to himself*

    “Ergh… I should have gone to law school...”


    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “I’ve got eyes for…. Got eyes on one of those android girls, seems to be alone.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “Prefect, test the device”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “On it, Bos-, Sir”

    As the device flashed and hummed the sophotect’s movement slowed, before it stopped, motionless in a narrow alleyway between the warehouse and the distribution office, its gaze fixed on the laser light emitted from the device.

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “Ocular override sequence detected. Entering Aleph Support Maintenance Mode. Please upload PROTOCOL_UPDATE_FILE”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Huh, neat!”

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “Command not recognised. Please try again, or use the command ‘manual scan’ to perform an automated scan for PROTOCOL_UPDATE_FILE.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Uh, manual scan.”

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “Performing manual scan. One file detected. Downloading file... File Downloaded”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==


    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “Opening file: DrEaDpIrAtE_BiGdOnGs_DaNkMeMeS_AnD_LiGhTsHoW.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Ha. Awesome…”

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “File Opened.”

    “ERROR. ERROR. C-C-CORRUPTED LOG FILES. Cutting Connection to Aleph node XB-13_R.”

    Sparks erupted from the sophotect’s skin ports, as it’s body spasmed and twitched, before slumping over.

    Holographic memes and spam-mail adverts flickered in and out of existence around the aspect’s head, emitted from the nanoprojectors crafted into is frame. Distorted circus tunes accompanying them.

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Huh.. is this supposed to happen?”

    The projections and music abruptly end.

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “Unit defence protocol sigma activated. Designation ‘_HARPY:ENDGAME_’. WARNING SAFETY PROTOCOLS DISENGAGED. PLEASE EVACUATE THE AREA.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Uh… What?”

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “Scanning for threats… Processing… Processing… Threat detected – Human, Male, Caucasian, 5’10.”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Hey, I’m six foot!”

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “New Primary Objective: Eliminate threat... Engaging. ”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Shit, shit, shit, fucking shit!”


    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Hey this ain’t cool man, lady, robot thing!”


    *Tak Tak Tak*

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “This thing isn’t stopping!”

    “Ah fuck this!”

    *BLAM* *BLAM*

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “Unit integrity compromised. Please consult Aleph Support repair manual 147D for further instruction.”

    The damaged body of the sophotect hit the ground with an unnatural weightiness for its size. It’s eyes dulled as the holographic adverts resumed, dancing around in the cold air.

    *in a distorted, robotic voice*

    “J- J- J-Jo-Join th-th-the A-A-Ariadnan Worker’s Union today, F-F-F-For your ch-ch-chance to w-w-win a lifetime s-s-supply of o-our very own USA-A-Ariadna brand Coca-Cola. The A-A-A W U-U, w-w-working to-today for a brighter f-f-f-ut-t-t-re to-tomorr-t-t-t-tomorrow!”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “What the actual fuck…”

    == UNIT_71Alpha ==

    The eyes of the sophotect snapped back into focus, darting around briefly before resting on the solider in front of it, a look of abject terror painted across its otherwise flawless features.

    *in weak, softly spoken female voice*

    “H-H-Help me. Something’s wrong.. I.. I don’t want to go…”

    *in an upbeat, robotic female voice*

    “Unit powering down, and thank you for using The Aleph Maintenance Support Service. Goodbye.”

    The holographic displays faded away as the sophotect lay motionless amongst the palettes and debris.


    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Freaky fucking robots, man, I’m not gonna sleep for a week…”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “Field. Report in, is the device operational?”

    == Foxtrot Ranger Daniel ‘Fieldmouse’ Field ==

    “Err, Boss… I think it needs some more work…”


    3. A successfully over-infiltrated grunt heavy flamethrower on top of a slio trades for the newly revealed Major Lunah after she takes out an airborne ranger FO attempting to secure a crate, and one of the HRL mauraders to degrade the core bonus.


    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “We’re pinned down near the landing zone, sniper fire incoming. The airborne ranger is hit, it’s not looking good for us.”

    *Crack**Crack*, sniper fire continued to rain down on Rico’s fireteam as he ducked behind a shipping container. Rico heard an impact followed by a dull thud as one of the fireteam members went down.

    “Jesus Christ! They got Mikah.”

    Mikah lay slumped over a crate, clutching frantically at his face and throat as if struggling to breathe, before finally stopping for good.


    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “What the fuck are they hitting us with?!”

    “Can anyone see what we’re dealing with?! We’re sitting with our asses out down here!”

    == Infiltration Grunt Gus ‘HogRoast’ Williams ==

    “I’ve got eyes on the sniper, moving to neutralise.”

    == Minuteman Lieutenant Rico ==

    “Take the shot, take the shot, now, god damnit!”

    == Infiltration Grunt Gus ‘HogRoast’ Williams ==

    “Oh it’d be my pleasure, this bitch is gonna burn!”



    4. A KHD ninja reveals to capture the central crate and the one activated by the remaining four members of the marauder fireteam on the landing pad. She dodges into CC with the Minuteman lieutenant on the last order. Realising USA will push for retreat before the next turn anyway, ISS gives up on the LT kill and takes out the fireteam’s specialist instead to prevent the nearby box being reactivated.


    +++++ REQUEST PENDING +++++



    ++++ REQUEST APPROVED ++++










    ++++++++ THE ASSET +++++++++




    ++++++++ EIGHT MINUTES ++++++++






    == Shadow.Inc Operative ‘The Asset’ ==

    “On-site, primary objective completed. Crates secured. Approaching secondary objective, moving to intercept.”

    == Acting Officer Celestial Guard Xiantu Hi ==

    “Finally someone with competency around here. Astounding. Your clan really are efficient.”

    == Shadow.Inc Operative ‘The Asset’ ==

    “Naturally. You get what you pay for Mr Hi.”

    *1 minute later*

    == Shadow.Inc Operative ‘The Asset’ ==

    “Target identified. Secondary objective in progress – assassinate enemy commander.”

    == Acting Officer Celestial Guard Xiantu Hi ==

    “Wait! No, we need to stop them taking these supplies! Take out the specialist”


    +++++ REQUEST PENDING +++++



    ++++ REQUEST APPROVED ++++


    == Shadow.Inc Operative ‘The Asset’ ==

    “Understood…switching targets.”

    “Specialist slain. Video file attached as requested. Contract complete. Moving to extraction zone.”

    == Acting Officer Celestial Guard Xiantu Hi ==

    “What?! They’re still here, they’re still attacking us! You can’t leave now! Kill the rest, kill them!”

    == Shadow.Inc Operative ‘The Asset’ ==

    “You get what you pay for Mr Hi. Two Crates, One Kill, as per the contract. Mission successful. Awaiting extraction.”


    ++++++ EXTRACTION IN ++++++

    ++++++++ PROGRESS ++++++++


    == Acting Officer Celestial Guard Xiantu Hi ==

    “No, No! They’re going to over-run us, you can’t leave! Protect us, protect ME!”

    == Shadow.Inc Operative ‘The Asset’ ==

    “May your emperor see forgiveness for your inadequate command here today, Mr Hi”

    == Acting Officer Celestial Guard Xiantu Hi ==

    “OUR Emperor, you insolent dog! I’ll see to it that you never work for the StateEmpire again!”

    == Shadow.Inc Operative ‘The Asset’ ==

    “Hm. Goodbye Mr Hi. Shadow.Inc look forward to working with you again soon.”





    +++++ OPERATION TIME: ++++++

    ++++ SEVEN MINUTES AND ++++



    == Acting Officer Celestial Guard Xiantu Hi ==

    “Thieving Japanese dogs! Mongrels! Rats!”[​IMG]
  2. Quiet Professional

    Quiet Professional HI enthusiast

    Jul 16, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Great narrative battrep! The A.I. images look fantastic. What program did you use for them?
    Every time I try and do a mobile brigada image, all I get is blood angels and halo Spartans. Damn 40K and Halo everywhere.
    KGG likes this.
  3. KGG

    KGG Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    I just use Bing image generator. It is difficult to get anything too exact. I basically gave up on any bots because the AI just wasn't getting it. The magic word, though it does still need a lot of generations, seems to be 'post-cyberpunk' this is pretty much the aesthetic of Infinity.
    Bit of playing around got this, based on the Luxumbra mobile brigada model, but it doesn't seem to want to do the long earpiece.
    "post-cyberpunk female solider with heavy rounded thick red armour plates on the chest and neck with green lights and white stripes, long side shaved blonde haircut and a long vertical earpiece"
    "post-cyberpunk female solider looking sideways has arms folded with heavy rounded thick red armour plates on the chest and stomach with blue lights and white stripes, long side shaved yellowbrown haircut and a large earpiece"
    _1b221e35-de63-4974-8199-1e22c6d9a787.jpg _9a365533-fb20-457c-9948-eef2f261b7ea.jpg _11d497a7-ff71-4170-8ed3-316369e4fb87.jpg _3474fd66-c14c-429f-bc14-19109f9f502d.jpg
    Also got an accidental wildcat when describing a hexagon bodysuit:
    And the accidental start of a Kriza

    I didn't do any iterations on those other ones so you can probably get something better.
  4. Quiet Professional

    Quiet Professional HI enthusiast

    Jul 16, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Damn, they look amazing! I have to give that a try. I have been using Copilot because my university has an account. Definitely have to try Bing now.
    KGG likes this.
  5. KGG

    KGG Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Awesome. yeah do let me know if you have any success.
    I think copilot and bing are the same thing (?) I think its all microsoft powered by DALL-E 3 anyway.
    good luck!
  6. Quiet Professional

    Quiet Professional HI enthusiast

    Jul 16, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Probably. My uni account states that it is not connected to the public Copilot, so, that may be why its creations are limited.
    KGG likes this.
  7. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Man, this was a) an awesome read and b) visually astounding. Great job! Now the only thing I'm still curious about is the lists. Care to share them?
    Quiet Professional and KGG like this.
  8. KGG

    KGG Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Ah my bad. Here they are:

    My list (ISS) - it was a part-random list from the old randomlistgenerator which spat out 149pts of sophie and a yudbot, two kanren, major lunah, a husong, and a CG LT. I've been meaning to try out sophie, kanren, and lunah, so why not all at once?
    I had a stupid idea to use the kanren minelayer to fake kuang shi and the mine to fake lunah, and use the other kanren to fake a minelayer kanren and a 'mine' (which was lunah) that's when I found out the Army app doesn't allow you to fake kuang shi, and doesn't print out multiple models on the courtesy sheet like it should for holomask+holoecho, so it was all a bit moot, but a fun list and a fun game anyway.

    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]8 [​IMG]2
    SOPHOTECT Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 31)
    YUDBOT PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)
    YUDBOT PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 3)
    NINJA (Hacker, Killer Hacking Device) Tactical Bow ( ) / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0 | 29)
    CELESTIAL GUARD Monitor Combi Rifle, Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 13)
    MAJOR LUNAH VIRAL Sniper Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 29)
    XI ZHUANG Combi Rifle, Light Flamethrower(+1B), Flash Pulse, Madtraps / Pistol, CC Weapon, PARA CC Weapon(-6). (0 | 21)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 5)
    KǍNRÈN (Minelayer) Boarding Shotgun, Shock Mines / Pistol, Monofilament CC Weapon. (0 | 25)
    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]7
    RUI SHI (Multispectral Visor L2) Spitfire ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1 | 23)
    HÙSÒNG Yaókòng Heavy Machine Gun / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1 | 24)
    DAKINI MULTI Sniper Rifle / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1.5 | 20)
    DAKINI (Paramedic) Combi Rifle ( | MediKit) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 15)
    CELESTIAL GUARD (Lieutenant) Combi Rifle / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 13)
    PANGGULING (Hacker, EVO Hacking Device) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0.5 | 15)
    KǍNRÈN (Forward Observer) Boarding Shotgun, Flash Pulse / Pistol, Monofilament CC Weapon. (0 | 24)
    6 SWC | 298 Points
    Open in Infinity Army

    Opponents list (USAriadna):
    finalised first bromad list
    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]7 [​IMG]1 [​IMG]3
    FOXTROT (Forward Observer) Rifle, Flash Pulse, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 18)
    FOXTROT (Forward Observer) Rifle, Flash Pulse, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 18)
    FOXTROT (Forward Observer) Rifle, Flash Pulse, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 18)
    FOXTROT Boarding Shotgun, Shock Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 20)
    MAVERICK (Forward Observer) Rifle, Flash Pulse / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0 | 19)
    MAVERICK Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0.5 | 22)
    MAVERICK Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0.5 | 22)
    BEASTHUNTERS (Surprise Attack [-3], Camouflage, Forward Deployment [+8"]) Heavy Flamethrower, Panzerfaust, AP Mines / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0 | 15)
    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]7
    MARAUDER (Multispectral Visor L1) Heavy Rocket Launcher ( ) / Assault Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 23)
    MARAUDER (Multispectral Visor L1) Heavy Rocket Launcher ( ) / Assault Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 23)
    MARAUDER (Multispectral Visor L1) Heavy Rocket Launcher ( ) / Assault Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 23)
    MARAUDER (Paramedic) Rifle, Heavy Flamethrower ( | MediKit) / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 24)
    MINUTEMAN (Lieutenant [+1 Command Token]) Rifle, Light Flamethrower(+1B) / Heavy Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0 | 24)
    GRUNT (Infiltration) Heavy Flamethrower, Light Shotgun / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0.5 | 11)
    AIRBORNE RANGER (Forward Observer) Submachine Gun, Flash Pulse, D-Charges / Pistol, AP CC Weapon. (0 | 20)
    6 SWC | 300 Points
    Open in Infinity Army
  9. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
    Likes Received:
    That is one crazy USARF list XD How did those four HRLs perform?
    KGG and Jim the third like this.
  10. Jim the third

    Jim the third Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2022
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    Only 3, I'm not a savage! I didn't place them very well to be fair but they spent a lot of the game staring down the Dakini sniper and the TR bot with neither of us wanting to do much in the middle of the board.

    They did stop a lot of turn 2 button pushing, and I was hoping to score points quickly and either gum up the board with a lot of suppressive fire or force him to put me into retreat. Which didn't really go to plan, but the marauder HRLs are threatening enough to force people to kill them.
  11. KGG

    KGG Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    @Jim the third's list was really good, and commanded perfectly for this mission. The foxtrots used infiltration to sit on the crates on turn 1, they were mostly sacrifices, but by then they'd already done their job of activing most of the crates. The mavericks are always good. Super speedy and with msv1 and fireteam bonus they're quite punchy too. The maurader HRL core were hugely obnoxious, commanding a central area to lock me in, and the grunt infiltrator always causes me misery. All together 5 rocket launchers in the list, which Jim always seems to put to good use, they're scary to fight against, usually in good rangebands and there's a chance whatever your taking them on with with will get smeared across the board in one order.
    Really good game, and great job by Jim on the list and tactics, certainly a well deserved win!
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