Guys I finally found a use for Rouhani. Use him in biotechvore, he just sits in your DZ all game. Turn one, he generates a free order. Turn two, maybe you have to spend an order on him to heal himself if he took a wound from the plague (which is far from certain at BTS 6). Turn three, just let him die if you don't have an order to spend healing him. As a bonus, deploy him next to another 2W model that you also plan to leave in the DZ (Saladin, Mukhtar, Asawira, Azra'il) and he can also heal them as needed. No need to spend the points on a nasmat, everyone can just huddle together in the DZ. This is exciting, I gotta play some more biotechvore.
I'm not super sold on Rouhani but he is 21 points for a pseudo 2W doctor that brings a WIP15 flash pulse. I had tried him out once or twice as a t1 / t2 specialist that turns into an annoying to ARO piece. It was....fine.
I used Rouhani in one tournament, two battles - Firefight and Biotechvore. He was the last one standing his ground in the second game, really good unit for that mission. Yet the table layout, better optimized enemy's army and few unlucky rolls didn't give me chance to really make that fight. Yet in Firefight he did really well. As a specialist and mean ARO. He has nice stats and good abilities, but I have a problem to fit him in most of my lists. PozdRawiam / Greetings
I had him in almost two thirds of my games, and I don't recall him doing anything exceptional. Might have to swap him out. Another thread said there may be situational usefulness in active turn flash pulse, such as the Odalisque +1B Flash (in active turn only). So in that case maybe Rouhani WIP flash is sometime good ? But no fireteam bonus on technical weapons so meh :( For sure I'll bring him next time i play BTV, your tactic sounds good.
I like him in my qk djanbzan fireteam. He's not much more than a hafza, and his weapons are decent. Having a submachine gun paired with a long range aro weapon makes for a really good suppressing fire model. The al'fasid HRL does it better. The most common way to get rid of suppressing fire is to shoot from outside of 24 inches. Having something that can aro further is a good plan b.
Not a bad consideration, easy to overlook that bts 6. He’s also essential personnel for panic room too. Just don’t forget that everything in the biotech zone at the end of the game dies so you still have to evacuate turn 3.