The following situation happened in a tournament today : - player 1 (active) has 2 makhaul, A and B (not in the same fireteam) - player 2 (reactive) has a shaolin monk Makhaul A and B are already engaged with shaolin monk Player 1 active makhaul A and declare CC attack against shaolin monk Player 2 declare CC attack as an ARO against makhaul B. He says that both CC attack will be normal roll and not opposed roll (normal roll for shaolin monk to hit makhaul B, normal roll with 2 dice for makhaul A to hit shaolin monk) My opinion : player 2 is not allowed to declare an ARO against makhaul B as makhaul A is the only one activated by the order and "AROs must choose one of the Troopers activated by the Order as their target." ( So he can only react against makhaul A and the roll will be an opposed roll Player 2 opinion : his monk can ARO CC any of the makhaul he is engaged with, even if not activated by an order (I cannot find back the rules he used to support his argument) Which one is right ?
You only ARO against the active model. If it's not a fire team / coordinated order / peripheral then that's the only choice. Where on earth do some of these alternative notions come from?
Probably a misunderstanding of how CC with multiple opponents work. From what I understand to get the bonuses all the models in base to base contact must be active, so in the example Makaul A is the only trooper activated and gets no Bonuses Makaul B cannot be reacted.
“And any of them activate” They don’t both need to be activating to get the bonus. The only trap is that when you already have one engaged and you want to move in the second one for the bonus that will usually be the weaker CC trooper so it’s a bit of a risk even with the bonus for.
The rules are written in the view of the player owning the multiple models in CC. In Active Turn, you select 1 activated Trooper and that one will roll. Supporters, activated or not, give B+1 each. (this is true also for Fireteam and Peripheral) In Reactive Turn, you select 1 AROing Trooper and that one will roll. Supporters, activated or not, give B+1 each. (this is true also for Fireteam and Peripheral) The "Minority Trooper" (i want it TradeMarked!) is treated as standard In Active Turn, you select one enemy model and get probably blasted away In Reactive Turn, you must still follow ARO rules, so you HAVE TO select an active model as target.