Do I overlook the definity of this keyword? Low visibility spaces are mentioned in the rules explaining the border colors of the terrain: ▶ Red. A side marked in this color always obstructs Line of Sight, but does not prevent movement across it. Spaces surrounded by this color are Low visibility spaces. The Visor mentions it too: ▶ Visor. Line of Sight traced from an Enemy with this feature is not obstructed when crossing low visibility spaces. At the moment I assume, that a Low visibility space obstructs line of sight. I am not sure, if I will read this as you can not shhot through such a hex, but into it, or if the latter is not possible either without a visor of some sorts.
You cannot draw line of sight into or through a low-visibility hexagon. At least that's how I understand it to work, although I'm relying on Aristeia's rules that I assume are very similar to Defiance's.