Good afternoon, In the rules for Panic Room, one of the objectives is; »At the end of each Game Round, have at least one Essential Personnel Trooper inside the Panic Room, in a non-Null State (1 Objective Point) It does not explicitly state that the essential personnel trooper cannot be in a marker state. In fact, specifically with regards to dominating a zone, it says marker states do count. Though, this is distinctly a different objective. A Zone of Operations (ZO) is Dominated by a player if they have more Victory Points than the adversary inside the area. Only Troopers represented by Models or Markers (Camouflaged, Shasvastii-Embryo, Seed-Embryo…) count, as well as Proxies and Peripheral Troops. Troops in a Null State do not count. Ect, ect. Before I try any shenanigans in game, is it fair to say that an Essential Personnel Troop in marker state counts for that objective? Tl;dr can I run a marker state Hexa into the panic room to snipe some sweet, sweet objective points?