Hi First one, my apology because i am not so active in the forum, so i create this thread for a rule that is not clear for me and my friends. We have several opinions: The question is if you can do a BS attack whit smoke amnunition that have the special skill that you have not to choose an objetive against a Camo. It is a normal ARO against a miniature, but it is not to a Camo o impersonation state. Because about the REMEMBER BOX. The rules about ARO have to choose a troop activated as a objetive but the smoke anmunition have the rule of targetless. I have collected the relevant rules: What do you think?? Could be a good question for a FAQ? Thanks
You are restricted via this... https://infinitythewiki.com/Camouflaged_State "The only AROs that can be declared against a Camouflaged Marker are: Discover, Dodge, Look Out! or Reset." BS Attack is not one of the valid ARO that can be declared against a Camouflaged Marker. Note that here "against" doesn't mean you target the Camouflaged Marker (since Dodge, Look Out! or Reset don't even target), it means "against" as in the ARO "granted from" the Camouflaged Marker.