I looked around a bit on the forum, but failed to find an answer. I am looking for the old round bases for my models. The one with 3d LOS marking are cool, but I have all my figure on the old fashioned bases and I want to preserve the aesthetics: bases with perfectly smooth edges For a while I used my precious stash old bases, but it's nov exausted and I get BORED to file all the los markings when I buy new figure. I own a ton of games workshop old 25mm bases, but they do look different when I place them side to side with my beloved old infinity bases. Not a lot, but enough to piss me off. So does anyone know I where I can buy 25 smooth bases who look exactly like the old ones? thank in advance
Not sure if you're UK-based, but I've been buying these: Bases They seem to be close to exactly the same as the old infinity bases as far as I can tell (I use them for my Yu Jing for consistency with my old models)