Customeeple made silhouette of every trooper with camo, TO, impersonnation and cybermask. They will very likely do it for the new oniwaban (and ryuken), we just have to wait for it. They should also release (sooner or later) : bit & kiss cybermask, kerr-nau cybermask, charontid cybermask (the new one has a plasma rifle so it can be a HD+ charontid so cybermask)
New silhouette would be necessary : with the new JSA, we can have arogoto KHD so arogoto impersonnation marker (cybermask) will be necessary once the new arogoto are available. Does anyone find other missing camo/holo/cybermask/impersonnation marker ?
It can't become impetuous because it already is. It's against the definition of the word. Still, I will ask this question in the rules forum edit : thread created :
so what you are saying is that if some frenzy model become impetuous he lose impersonation at that point in time (the start of the player turn) but then can freely reactivate it later anyway because by then he's already impetuous, not becoming impetuous ? anyway, as you say, better resolve it in rule forum rather than here.