Hey guys, I’m working on a list. Still buying and painting models so I cannot just play test myself. So, my question is, do you find more offensive value in the Namurr Breaker Rifle with Tactical Awareness or the Spitfire variant without Tac Aware? Spitfire is a better weapon platform, but it lacks breaker ammo. Also, that extra order could increase the amount of bullets down range? Thanks for your thoughts on this subject in advance.
Honestly, it depends on Vanilla versus RTF. For Vanilla, the breaker rifle works because it can duo with the wonderful Asawira AP spitfire. You can take tac aware or emarat version to taste. The spitfire is weaker in Vanilla as you have a variety of shooters available. For Ramah Task Force, both have their uses. The spitfire is a true toolbox unit that can fit in most links and contribute a high burst weapon, emarat, and is a specialist. The breaker rifle is a support piece in this case. As a vanilla player, the Namurr with breaker rifle is what I would choose.
I have used both some. The Tac Aware order is huge for me, and I frequently have the Namurr in a fireteam with a higher burst or damage weapon anyway.
Similarly I value the Tac Aware so high that I've never thought to field the spitfire profile and have just made the breaker rifle work tbh. I think another aspect is I don't see the Namurr as an attack piece. It has a lot of great abilities but none of them are really conducive to or helpful in a firefight, for me it's there to be a super durable and mobile button pusher or chunk of points in missions where I need that stuff. For me it's never a question of spitfire vs breaker rifle but rather Tac Aware vs E/Marat. I think the E/M template is secretly the real draw to the spitfire profile.
That is a very good point. I didn’t even think of that variable because I only play sectorials. I can easily see that point of view in that take a stronger gun fighter and feed him Namur orders. I’m beginning to see a pattern here. lol Ah that was one of my main draws in addition to the Spitfire. Stop HI/TAG then pop it with C4. The darn lil thing does so much goodness. lol
I can only speak from the experience of playing RTF, and when it comes to the Sectorial I feel @Brokenwolf pretty much summed it up! I've also found the Tactical Awareness profile to be a complementary pick that supports what ever she is escorting via providing the extra order, some excellent melee threat and limited close range firepower (in addition to being a Specialist). The heavier armed profile however packs way more useful guns in the Spitfire and E/Marat (both really benefiting from the extra burst provided by bringing a couple of Ghulams along), and I've found him to also be decent soft ARO presence in the reactive turn because it's actually way harder outrange an aggressively positioned piece that's positive rangebands go up to 24'' than 16''!
Really depends on what role you want the Namurr to fulfil in your list and for what kind of missions. If it’s a sit and hold kind of mission such as Quadrant Control or Acquisition, I would go for the breaker rifle version. Just need to get her to a safe spot with climbing+ and then sit there, leave the risk of shooting to other models. however if I’m looking for something to manoeuvre around, shoot stuff, and also press buttons at the same time, for a mission such as Countermeasures, Spitfire it is for me. might even take both in Ramah for certain missions.
Hello, to me the decission come from what missions I will have to play and how I want to play, it is the beauty of some profiles in haquisslam, you aren't forced to one unique profile, you can choose. But, I have a tendency to play the spitfire one.
I enjoy taking a TacAware Breaker Rifle in the Khawarij Haris with a Doc and Spitfire. The Khawarij can keep up for the most part due to the same speed, high phys and super jump. The Spitfire clears the way for the Namurr and Doc to do mission or to allow the Namurr to get into CC with benefits. The Khawarij are good CC specialists so pair well with the Namurr.
This is a lot of great information as there are a few points of view I never considered due to the flexibility the Namurr provides. I just bought two of each profile and will be doing some rifle chopping for my 3D printed breaker rifle. :3