So, please correct me if I am wrong, but why are good half of the Morat models still missing profiles? Vurgok has neither its own profile nor Morat army list contains a triphammer. And it looks and feels nothing like a mishmash technical, which a triphammer basically is. Prospector- same, but its size maybe hints of him being some sort of Kaitok? Remote- it doesn't look at all like either a slave drone or a skurgot jawbrute. Another missing unit? Maybe there was some announcement that I've missed? Like, really, Morats got arguably the best minies out of the Tag Raid, yet still half of them are literally unusable in the main game.
The Prospector is a cybernetically enhanced search and rescue specialist, which fits the Rindak background exactly. The Remote is basically an alternate Skurgot, the Tyrok profile was first released as part of the TAG-Raid campaign, it's also not clear if Skurgot are a specific species or a generic term for a Tyrok's pet. It also makes a nice Morat themed Slave Drone for a Kurgat. The Hacker is a Dartok, the Engineer is a Kurgat, that's pretty clear. The TAG is a proxy for either of the current Morat TAGs
It's just kinda disappointing with the prospector and especially such a nicely modelled tag. I mean, morats definitely got the short end of the stick and it is very unusual for CB sculpts to go directly to "proxy whatever" bin.