Each choice of the mercenaries is part of an NA2 faction, but not Major Lunah. Personally, I would really like to be able to deploy her in the White Company. What do you think, would it be feasible?
Probably not background wise. She's hiding from hassasins and YJ is protecting her. WC already has a lot of great stuff anyway.
She is a mercenary only in name, for all terms and purposes she is a Yu Jing subject, and probably on a constant watch by ISS for her own safety.
You can play ISS as "Major Lunah and Aleph bodyguards", with zero Yujingese troopers:) gMoQaW1wZXJpYWwtc2VydmljZQCBLAIBAAcBg7MBAQACgLkBAQADMwECAASGHQEBAAV6AQQABm0BAgAHbgEDAAIABgFtAQkAAoDGAQIAA4C3AQIABG0BCgAFgLcBBAAGgLcBAwA%3D