Anyone else a little sad that Tai Sheng, Krit Kokram and Qiang Gao all lost Special Fireteam: Counts as Zuyong for fireteam composition in IA. I think i must be "maturing as a gamer" or something because I'm actually not bitter about it, there are so many positive changes including changes to these profiles that i like, but i am curious to know if there was a specific reason they lost that rule, when other profiles in other sectorials kept it. Aside from that and partial cover... yay N4!
They became wildcard. There's no functional reason for them to count as Zuyong when they can join any link they please.
Yeah don't get me wrong, i like wildcard on them a lot, it gives lots of interesting options, just curious is all. Functionally it limits certain fireteam options as you can no longer use use them as the zuyong profile in (for example) a 3 man link of Tai Sheng, Haidao, and Shang Ji; but it's not by any means a big problem.
You still can because it's a Shang Ji Haris . I think you can do all of the same combos and more. See my post on Fireteams here.
Ah, cool, i always assumed, "counts as Zuyong etc." provided them with the all the skills etc that zuyong had but thinking about it, it makes sense.