Strange that they have redesigned the ALEPH shotgun, it looked super cool, but I suppose the original was never rendered in CAD.
Good point actually, haven’t seen an Aleph boarding shotgun in a while so that’s probably why. It does look awesome though.
Those are both from the Initial Campaign Paradiso release or before though, since then we've seen a redesign of most faction's weapons to a greater (Nomads) or lesser (Ariadna) degree, seems about time Aleph got some updated designs. I'm also happy to see a BSG that's more visually distinctive to the Combi rifle (Nomads and PanO are still big offenders here).
I don't like the new look boarding shotgun. but I'm fair, I also don't like the new garuda. My vanilla aleph can stay in the cupboard of shame a while longer, I think. The charontid now looks like every other EI construct. The downside of that is that it looks like every other EI construct. It's now the army of "You all look alike to me." like the asparagus heads.
The Garuda we can assume has been shown without wings. Anyway, I hate the backpack like in the Spitfire design (come on, you have jump backpacks like those on the Ekdromoi and for your basic drop-bot you simply strap a jet's engine to its back? cheap). The Charontid... I don't like the proportions. And now the Avatar, Charontid, Xeodrons and Unidrons are too alike... I'll keep my Alien Charontid, thank you. And since I won't be fielding both Avatar and Xeodrones/Overdrones I *might* get the new Avatar (depending on how it grips the base), but I certainly will go for cold colors, purples and greens, not this "AD&D demon - slash - Balrog" look. Too much recycling the 3D and you get xeroxed versions of the stuff, instead of just "more uniform" pieces. And it is much more noticeable with aliens, which we are not used to see on a daily basis like humans (or humanlike Tohaa, even... which we differenciate more because of accesories than face alone).
To the contrary, i actually like the new Garuda alot. The old ones are really looks awkward (thanks to their pack and "dynamic" pose) and this fixed them. The jetpack makes sense of the 6-4 mov range because honestly, that kind of feet aren't really designed for fast running imo..... I can imagine that she hover herselves a bit instead. I..... think thats the whole point, its a construct. One of the many constructed "childrens", created in imaginary of their "mother" (Avatar, or even the EI as a whole). If they're build differently to each other, it will make it seems like the EI have somekind of multiple personality disorder that always trying to bring each other down.
Back in the day, the Avatar, Charontid and Anathematic were bodies the EC found adrift in space, in fact the Charontid was like an Alien repurposed, while other Aspect was some sort of bio-engineered body developed by a race to conquer the stars, then kicked out by the unmodified people, a little like Khan and his Augmented cronies from Star Trek.
It makes a lot of sense to me that they all look alike. They're all designed and built/grown by the same EI, they would look similar. To me, its just consistent, like Pan O HI all looking the same (why would they spend millions developing a completely new set of armour when they can modify an existing one?) but to others it looks samey.
Maybe I have not been clear. In the fluff for the previous version of the Aspects, the EI did not "design" the bodies, it just adapted them from bodies found on space derelicts, with one based on Aliens (the movie called Aliens, you know, the big cockroaches with acid bood) and the others in a mind-fried, alien version of Star Trek's Khan & augment friends. If now the fluff has been changed to "the EI designed and assembled from scratch all bodies", it's all good and that, but it's not as it was.
I'm not sure on if the fluff has changed, but it can change, and they can still base designs on stuff they found but bring it into their style.
Mmm, I think IE just found skivoros, without life. Rest of body aspects are just a combination from skivoros tech with tipical Ur batroid tech ( batroids include from unidrons to overdrons). Anyways i think colour make a lot, new aspects or batroid troops painted as old aspects ( grey and cold colour) will feel better. The red black uniform + gym mode from new avatar make all of them look a bit alien chaos.
Maybe i misinterpreted the lore, but i understood that the EI found out alien bodies in cryosleep. most minds were damaged beyond repair, but the EI simply took the bodies and designed the Charontids based on these bodies. that does not mean that the EI simply "used" the alien bodies as they were. I thought (perhaps wrongly) that the EI analyzed the tech of those bodies, and basically reverse engineered all technical innovations those bodies had. After that, the EI was capable of including those improvements in all EI bodies. if i found out a new alloy that have better characteristics than the one i'm using right now, of course, i would like to reverse engineer it and put it in every model where i am currently using the old alloy.
Well, I thought it was more on the line "blank minds! Great! Plug them to the "overmind" and clone an army of them!"
The Skiavoros was specifically an alien host construct found and upgraded by the EI, the Charontid description states it was designed to improve on the Skiavoros platform, kind of like an EI made Skiavoros MKII, including more features from the Ur's own Batroid technology.
I like new Garudas design. Maybe will buy some for my Nomads conversions if there will be some S2 REMs or S2 REM-like HIs. Ans I`ll miss old CA designs. Only thing I hope that Sphinx will remain the same as long as it`s possible.
The Sphinx they've said is staying as it is for now. But if you like the old one and it does change, there's nothing stopping you using the old one. Ditto the Avatar and Charontid.