Interested in Ariadna, help me dedcie.

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by BionicRope64, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. BionicRope64

    BionicRope64 Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    So I've played Infinity on and off for a while. My main armies are Aleph and Tohaa but the new box set gives me a good excuse to start Ariadna.
    Now I'm not great at modelling but I like customing plastic models and I think Ariadna would be a good army to do that with. It's an army for guerilla fighters and tough survivors which to me sounds like a great chance for little customisations.
    Just how have people found the modesl to make? My frist army was Alpeh (I'm so thankful for the new robot models) so I'm hoping Ariadna models, especially the new ones would be easier.

    I would also love to swap some of the heads on some of the heavy armoured models. Like the Veteran Kazacks. Does anyone know how the head is attached the new (recent) Veteran Kazack model? (the current release) If the head is space I could put a bare head or alternate head on the gap (I'm tempted by some nice female heads I got) I can use modelling putty to fill in the gap and make it look like the amour.

    I'm tempted to do a head swap on some Blackjacks. Might look silly but I like it ;) Besides, this is the army of werewolf people, silly doesn't matter anymore.

    Gamepolaywise Aridna interested me but I'm more into the models. But any good starter advice I'm mostly into the Russians and the American models.
  2. Jandrus

    Jandrus We're naught but humble pirates!

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I also like to customize models and I'm Ariadna solo player. I have made plenty of conversions (I even converted one male galwegian to female) and I can asure you that they could be simple.

    About head swap I can't say nothing about the new vet. kazak (I have old ones and still in love with them) but normaly they are simple, even if the miniature need a decapitation.

    About where to start, for USARF the army box (thx captain obvious), and I can't recomend anithing further than foxtrots, desperadoes, frontiermen and grunt box. I recomend to proxy the other things until you discover your playstile in dis faction.

    For kazaks, well nothing to say, we haven't got sectorial yet hahaha. But in vanilla I would go for spetsnaz, cateran, chasseur, foxtrot, 112/doktor, dozer (I prefer akriliat kanone loadout, but regular rifle miniature) and one of "dog" boxes (later the other one). And this new box, of course (Thx again captain obvious).
    BionicRope64 likes this.
  3. BionicRope64

    BionicRope64 Member

    Dec 27, 2017
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    Yeah I imagine I'm go a have to take the knife out. It's more I'm not use to cuistomisting metal min's. I could grab one of the new models I like and use that to practise.
  4. JohnnyH5

    JohnnyH5 Member

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Just remember that Ariadna is not a High Tech faction so any customisation you do can easily be explained to your opponent i.e. looted it off a dead enemy, kit bashed through a campaign etc....
  5. Randomcallsign

    Randomcallsign Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Ariadna does convert and customize quite nicely. One of my favorites (no pictures on the work PC I'll come back and post later.) was combining my Voronin HVT model with my desperados and the Dismounted Maverick Model. Placing Voronin on his 25mm base I mounted the desperado on the guard antipode for a wolf-riding cowboy and then magnetized the dismounted Maverick to the Desperados bike base.
    Just like that, two very unique pieces and an HVT with very litttle cannibalizing of bits.
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