So, a presentation about using AI based adaptation to make people compulsively buy microtransactions have been published... it's kinda fun how the objective is for the AI to adapt the game's progression so people with less money to spend there will not be as impeded to advance as people who can spend more in microtransactions, and very worrying how it pretends to collect IRL data of each user compulsively.
Didn't read the leaked slides, but frankly not surprised or shocked at all, business is business after all. But then, it's our own fault really, much like GW's ridiculous prices and the price of tickets for football matches. We as consumers complain the prices are too damn high, but still continue to hand over our money anyway. So long as people are willing to be ripped off, business will keep on ripping you off.
I'll remain happy being one of those loteks who don't play MMOs (and it's mostly the other players that are the reason for that. ).
Well, what the study fails to mention is that one game doing that (optimizing as much as possible the "gimme ur money" scam) means people falling for it will play only one game, so the other companies will do the same... and you will have ONE game per company, freezing stuff. Good for the companies, bad for everybody else... I prefer single player for a lot of reasons, and I have no problem at all about grabbing some file to modify the game and avoid unnecesary farming.