Scenario: A hunzakut, in cammo marker state, declares a Move short skill, and moves into base contact with an antenna. This makes him come into LoF for a Proxy with TO cammo in Hidden deployment. It is obvious that the Hunzakut wants to reveal himself, to activate the antenna, but he hasn't actually declared that skill yet. Yet, doing so would make him having been revealed during his entire order. So what happens with the ARO? Obviously, the proxy cannot chose to delay it's ARO, without revealing itself as a marker? Can it declare shoot, anticipating that the Hunzakut is going to reveal himself? Can it somehow wait to react until he's declared his second short skill? I know the answer should be obvious, but this thing with everything being simultaneous keeps being a bit confusing.
1. Yes. It can delay (because the hunz is a marker), but it will reveal itself (as a TO marker) in the process. 2. No. Shoot is not a valid ARO against a camo marker. 3. No. Not without declaring an idle as in point #1.
I will try to expand Sabin's answer: Case 1: the posthuman does nothing: the Hunzakut will declare whatever she wishes and the order ends. Case 2: The Hunzakut moves B2B with the antenna and the player asks for enemy AROs. Aleph's player says "This TO marker shows up here, and delays ARO". Now the Haqq player can: a) try to discover the TO, revealing the Hunzakut and eating a shotgun/nanopulser; b) plant a deployable repeater, revealing herself and eating bullets but menacing the Posthuman with hacking AROs, and hacking actions until Aleph's turn; c) touch the console, revealing herself and eating bullets, but potentially capturing the point (suicidal, but a good option if it's your last turn); d) the Hunzakut declares Inaction or another Move order, for example rounding the antenna and placing herself prone and in total cover in order to capture the console and plant a repeater in the following orders... or even declaring some Speculative Fire over that pesky TO if she has a LGL once the posthuman shows up as a model (which combines with the repeater planting). It's very likely that the Aleph player is hoping for a (d) scenario and a hunzakut not carrying a LGL, specially if the Haqq player shows no KHD on the table.
Note that this is covered in the FAQ for Hidden Deployment Q: Can you delay the ARO with a trooper in Hidden Deployment? A: Yes, but you have to place the TO Camouflage Marker, cancelling the Hidden Deployment state.
Though keep in mind that Speculative Fire may not target a marker and even if you place the template off-centre you still have to have a target for the Speculative Fire to where you measure range. Grenades and other impact template weapons can't declare Intuitive Attack, which is what you're after.
Yup, I could have developed more the LGL option, which was to threaten the Mk2 with yet another retaliation (if in active turn). Rewritten for clarification.
Related question: what happens if Hunzakut literally steps on top of HD position of the Proxy by the end of his movement? During his movement?
As normal, you try to put TO marker as close to original position as possible and 1mm from other miniatures/tokens.