Hey guys I’m starting to bite the bit about playing. Has anyone received their copy of Defiance in the U.S. Yet? I know Auzzies got theirs last month.
Got my Address Confirmation from Quartermaster Logistics today, so usually that means shipment is a week off. You can follow QML on facebook and they announce the start of each projects shipping.
This today I guess that they intend to start shipping on the 16th. Maybe it arrives before Christmas. That would be cool. I have a new airbrush compressor coming today, and weirdly enough, the Vallejo paint set I ordered, it was supposed to be Vallejo Model colors, but the store shipped the Air Colors set instead. The Universe sending me a hint, or just shopkeeper error? Both, probably.
I don't think it'll be that soon, but hopefully this week. QML is pretty quick with fulfillment and good on communicating. It helps that they're in Florida so I get it like, next day, but still overall a good company. It helps to view reality as a sitcom, so when something happens you can imagine the laugh track. ::insert scene, unboxing Defiance, paints nearby, compressor set up, then you look around in horror as you realize you have no glue:: ::cue canned laughter::
Lol. I have glue, plenty of glue... But none of it is super glue. Mwah-mwah. True, but I'll get some in time. Everything else is ready. Shopkeeper is mailing the paint set I ordered and a prepaid envelope so I can return the one I have. She offered to drive out to do the exchange, because the USPS is having some real delays ATM, but It's a 90 minute drive from Towson to where I live, and with the Wuhan Virus spreading like a prairie fire, I figured it would be better to let the USPS handle it even with a week or two delay. I would hate for anyone to get sick on my account over a some paints for toy soldiers. Florida is a three day delivery away, assuming FedEx ground, and no delays.
Happy to say I was wrong, shipping started today. I got my shipping email already, so hopefully it'll be here tomorrow. Contents: 1x Megalodron 1x Defiance Scenery Pack 1x Defiance Collector's Box 1x Defiance Core Box (EN)
Yep. Mine arrives on the 19th, but with the weather and the pandemic, I'll not be upset if it is a few days late. Shopkeeper made the exchange for the paint set I ordered quite easy and included a few colorshifting paints por lagniappe. Competition minis in Towson, Md . It's nice to do business with a friendly mom and pop store. I bought glue last night, so I am ready. The year is ending better than it started, but most importantly 2020 is ending. Cannot wait to see the back of it.
Wooooo! Mine is on its way to VA so it looks like I might be partying on the same day as you, Red Harvest! Fingers crossed this freezing rain let's up soon... Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Mine is scheduled for Saturday. It's coming in FedEx, and FedEx delivers to my house, so I consider that a solid date.
Got mine today, punching tokens now! The plastic tray holds the tiles well, not sure how to arrange the cards and tokens and stuff. I think it was in an update so I'll look for that next. Sooooo many minis. One core box is the core game and well done, the other box is basically two layers of foam with the extra minis in it and it's a nice setup I think. Megalodron is great detail, two pieces. Scenery set is also nice. Might take me a while to assemble and prime at least, if not get started painting an entire phalanx of Shasvaasti... Amusingly, the core box is much heavier with the cardboard than box 2 with all the metal minis. :) Both sets of dice are included but I haven't checked all mini's to see if any of the extra's are there (alt heroes and Agnes or whatever).
Yeah, with the collector box, you effectively have a Shasvastii mega-army box. Just a few more bits and you have a nice army with plenty of variety for N4 play. There's a short thread in the CA forum about it. The conclusion was; add Ikadrons, Imetrons and Remotes, and Dr. Worm and the wormlings.
I've got Wildfire & Beyond and I've been buying some random stuff here or there. Have the remotes (forget which config I used, I've decided to cover each config across the O12, ALEPH and CA remote so I can sub anything), but was probably going to skip Dr Worm. Haven't even looked at Ikadrons and Imetrons... Imetrons are the Beacons, so I already got some ALEPH ones, but I don't see them on the Shas Expedition list? Anyway, yeah, I've got some unpainted Shas already, now I have even more to add to the pile. :)
I just stepped outside to grab the mail and was startled by the presence of a big box on my doorstep - a day earlier than the tracking had indicated! Time to rearrange my schedule.... Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Got mine delivered today. Got the heroes assembled and working on the shasvastii. Hoping to get the first couple missions done this weekend.
Mine is currently on the Fedex truck for delivery later today...Soon, soon. Now I have to think how I paint the Shasvastii. Studio color scheme or something else. ETA: Fedex guy left it at the end of my (90') driveway at 11:25am, next to my mailbox, sitting in the snow. Not pleased by that. Make it even easier for porch pirates which are usually quite active this time of year why don't you. Now begins the Winter of our content :)