Can a Hunzakut, carrying Deployable Repeaters, be hacked, due to the Deployable Repeaters having the Comms Equipment trait? If so, what happens?
You can target the Hunzakut with any valid hacking program, which in this case boils down to all of the "common" ones like Spotlight (this one cannot be used as ARO, however), and all that requires the target to carry comms equipment. On the top of my head, there is an example (in the orders sequence examples) precisely of this situation, I thing is hacking a Zero with Blackout, and the Zero declaring "I plant a deployable repeater", with the hack disabling all the comms equipment gear the Zero carries, but the Deployable Repeater being placed and in working order. Disabled comms equipment require an engineer to be brought back online, funnily enough you cannot just drop your deployable repeaters and get recharged by a Baggage remote/panoply.
Yeah, getting into the Unloaded state does not clear your Disabled state. Unloaded state also does not remove your equipment's Comms Equipment trait. I haven't seen this happen, but theoretically the Hanzakut should be hackable with Blackout even after all Repeaters have been deployed.
Well, I meant "I've been Blackout'd, so I'll discard this broken repeaters and grab a bunch of replacements from the Kameel" XD. And yeah, the wording allows Blackout to be used against a Hunzakut on the Unloaded state, even if she is has no uses left of her only comms equipment item. Kinda funny, but a needed simplification for the sake of the rules.