So the new year is upon us and the world of Infinity is getting brighter with a new game, new ITS season and a new sectoral (so far). With all that said, I'm planning on some goals for myself with the new year. 1. Play in more than one major tournament this year. 2. Start 2 new factions! (Hell one isn't enough for me) 3. Play with PAINTED models only and have all my 180 degree bases shown. 4. Build another awesome table to play on. My Adepticon table was good, but not great! 5. Run at least two tournaments. 6. Make more friends! Anybody out there have lots of goals (Infinity-wise) for the new year?
I don't tend to plan that far ahead, because life has shown me that the more I plan, the more fun it can have screwing my plans up and tossing them out the window. So I don't plan. I applaud your #3 though. Something I've pretty much always done (I've never played with unpainted models, regardless of the game). They may not have been brilliantly painted, but they were painted (primer and basecoat and some detailing). Tournament or filthy casual game made no difference. I'll start a new faction should it have enough models in it that I like enough to want to buy (because this means I will paint them, and therefore they will see a table). I currently have NCA, QK, JSA, CJC and Vanilla Aleph. The others do not appeal to me. So my infinity goals are more like: Play at least 12 games this year. Tournaments won't count (I just don't enjoy playing more than 2 games of infinity per day). Buy a few models I like. Teach a new guy a few things with regards to terrain and lighting effects (electronics was my hobby about 6 years before I started gaming).
paint more shit reduce my painting backlog start playing regularly again make a decent gaming table - stable, proper size and all ed: Oh, and learn how to take good photos.
Damn it, we are all making the same vows: reduce painting backlog, and play more! I confess being on the same train... And I also vow to finish my faction collection before starting any other one! I mean... I still have to get my hands on Hector and Ajax (not that I miss them a lot, since the greeks are more backup for my vedics than enything else), almost all morat ( well... if we count old models, that only means the ML rodok, Kornak, Oznat, Sogarat and the battle butler!), a second custodier, a Kusanagi model (it's very likely I'll use an Asura spitfire there... I just need another head... and arms), moar remotes and Tags, and a lot of Haqquislam models!!
Well I'm trying to keep it reasonable. If I painted one mini for each failed painting pledge, I'd have enough for a complete sectorial.
Goals for 2018 are to actually play a game of infinity. Oh and finish building the rodoks I bought myself as a birthday present in July...
Well, January is almost over, but I really want to play Infinity games and write interesting stories based on them. On the short term, I do want to run at least one tournament before the end of February.
1. Finish up my PanO/NCA and JSA before getting more. 2. Finish painting up at least 95% of my mini collection before getting more. 3. After finishing that up, potentially start up Yu Jing in full.