Here's a topic to recap the things that will come out for the German Furor Teutonicus satellite of 2025, videos, articles, AI summaries, 500-euro coupons, etc. Cerberus Nachrichten Netzwerk has made a preparation video about the satellite, which is in German with a bit of English to remind Anglo-Saxons where Saxons come from. Infinity the Game: Furor Teutonicus 2025 - Turnier Vorbereitung Hello Space Knights, Furor Teutonicur 2025 is approaching and we want to get ready for the tournament together. Nils (Wasabiose), Christoph (mrB4ggins), Sven (Chroma) and Tim (CrazyNomad) will be arriving from CNN. We'll discuss the missions and share our preparations with you. Here is also the document edited live: